What is the Rent act applicable in Gujarat? what are the Precausions to be taken by land lord before renting-out the residential property?
Thanking you in advance,
khyati (post grad) 28 September 2011
What is the Rent act applicable in Gujarat? what are the Precausions to be taken by land lord before renting-out the residential property?
Thanking you in advance,
Pranav S. Thakkar (advocate) 01 October 2011
Dear friend!
On my honest opinion, I can suggest :-
1.For rent Refer BOMBAY RENTS, HOTEL AND LODGINGHOUSERATES CONTROL ACT, 1947. But it depands to the district of Gujarat where the property is situated!
2. For. precautions to give property on rent , refer trnafer of property Act 1872.
I hope you are getting Your answer.