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Click here for Judicial Proceedings Of The Waqf Act of 1995

• The general supervision of all Waqfs in a State shall be vested in the Board established by the State, and it shall be the duty of the Board to exercise its powers under this Act in such a way that the Waqfs under its supervision are properly maintained, regulated, and administered, and their income is properly applied to the objects and purposes for which such Waqfs were created or established.

• The Board shall act in accordance with the directives of the Waqf, the Waqf's purposes, and any Waqf use or tradition sanctioned by the school of Muslim law to which the Waqf belongs when exercising its powers under this Act in respect of any Waqf.

• The board's power and duties are governed by Section 32 of the Act. The Board appointed by the concerned State has general supervision over all waqf in the state, and it is the board's responsibility to:

• To ensure that the waqf is properly administered, maintained, and regulated.

• The waqf was established to ensure that the profits and other assets of the waqf are applied to the items for the primary purpose.

• To provide guidance in the administration of the waqf and to develop management schemes for the waqf.

• To nominate and dismiss mutawallis, as well as to scrutinize and approve mutawallis' budget submissions.

• To take the requisite steps to reclaim the waqf land.

• Authorized to file and fight lawsuits involving waqf assets.

• To take care of the waqf fund.

• Waqf assets, accounts, records, and documents may be inspected and investigated.

• In addition, all activities related to the preservation, management, and control of waqf assets must be completed.

• Inspectors and superintendents of wakfs should conduct frequent and surprise audits of the wakfs' accounts, and they must be kept accountable for any errors. The board is given the authority to draft schemes for the management of wakfs, and this authority must be exercised with due notice to the Mutawalli and all parties affected, as well as enough opportunity to be heard.

• If the Board determines that the framing of a scheme for the administration of a wakf is required, it can do so on its own initiative or in response to a request from not less than 5 persons involved in that wakf. This is done in consultation with the mutawalli and the applicants.

Click here for Financial Records Of The WAQF ACT, 1955

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