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Royan ( )     01 October 2010

According to indian law wife is in safe side...

According to indian law WIFE is in safe side...

In which case HUSBAND is in the safe side, when wife harras or torturing to husband ?

 4 Replies

swatirswatir (learning law)     01 October 2010

husbands r for suffering only and are not safe in any way

Royan ( )     01 October 2010

Then how to solve it...

It seems not to live or going to die... ?

What a funny law.... I hate it....

You tell me (Personal)     02 October 2010

Truly said, from Indian law husbands are sufferers. Indian law gave high importance to women, but thats not it. There are so many women who doesn't bother about their relation.


If you think you are in bad situation, slowly start collecting evidence like voices, sms, emails and if possible video about fights. If she is trying to trip your life then you can use them. If it goes extreme you can use the same to divorce. so Start collecting evidences when there is a chance, after a case is filled husband can't do anything.


If things go smooth and both compromised and realized mistakes and where it went wrong, simply destroy evidences for your relation sake.

ashish lal (Advocacy)     03 October 2010

Thats not true. Once a couple's dispute enters court both are equally sufferers. At the end of the day both are looser. It is very easy to destroy than to build something. Both spouses have an added advantage that they have lawyers to assist them in destruction. I dnt know Mr Senthil problem but if husband ACTUALLY listen to his wife and in laws treats wife as their real daughter/sister/etc without having over expectation then number of divorce cases will surely be reduce. Just try to exhaust all possible options before entering court and remember LOVE is a verb not a noun, so if a couple thinks love has evaporated then start loving each other   

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