Ramesh Chandra 22 October 2017
Ticking on the colums, itself denotes that he has noticed something adverse. No note is appended with the APAR, but separate confidential note is sent to the reviewing authority explaining the nature of incident, to which his adverse remark relates to. If you have been communicated the incident through the contents of APAR along with the memo by the Reviewing Authority about such adverse remark, you are required to give proper explainantion on that. However, you are entitled to get copy of that adverse note on your integrity by asking in writing to the Reviewing Authority for the purpose of your knowledge and submitting your explanation on the issue.
But be aware, everything about the APAR is a time bound event.
Guru Guide 23 October 2017
Ramesh Chandra 26 October 2017
Sir, the subjected APAR with adverse integrity is 4 years old. Having being not communicated, I got the photocopy of the APAR from APAR custodian through RTI, but with no any secret note. Later on completion of 20 years service, I have been grantd ACP (without any deferment). Will I be denied promotion on account of this APAR of adverse integrity which is still uncommunictaed. All the authorities who have filled my subjected APAR have now been retired. From where now I can get secret note for my effective representation. Can I represent at this belated stage.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate) 27 October 2017
There is no provision for supplying the copy of the note about adveerse integrity.
How is it ppossible that you signed the APAR and saying that it is not conveyed.
Please clarify.
Ramesh Chandra 27 October 2017
Sir, deptt. has not communicated the APAR, but I have got the APAR copy in response to my RTI application. Will receiving APAR copy thruogh RTI be treated as communictated by the deptt. Because communication of any APAR must have a right to represent against adverse APAR. Moreover if there is no provision for supplying the copy of the note about adveerse integrity, how can one make effective representation against adverse integrity.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate) 27 October 2017
It stands communicated.