if i want to put an advertizement flexboard on a road side in a city or a village or on some buiding, whoes permission i have to seek for this ?
Are there any laws enacted to govern this ?
anand das (service) 26 April 2011
if i want to put an advertizement flexboard on a road side in a city or a village or on some buiding, whoes permission i have to seek for this ?
Are there any laws enacted to govern this ?
Daksh (Student) 27 April 2011
You have to seek permission from Municipal Authority of the area.
Best Regards
Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Advocacy) 27 April 2011
yes permition will grant byMunicipal Authority of that area if they cover that area, if it is mattar of state road authority then apply there!
or IF MATTER releted to N.H.A.I. then go there and knock the door!