What law, like "Hindu Marriage Act", etc. will be applied in case two adults (hindu male and female) get married as per 'court marrige' and now have some metrimonial dispute and wife wants maintenance and husband wants divorce?
udaycj (Senior Manager) 29 March 2011
What law, like "Hindu Marriage Act", etc. will be applied in case two adults (hindu male and female) get married as per 'court marrige' and now have some metrimonial dispute and wife wants maintenance and husband wants divorce?
M.Sheik Mohammed Ali (advocate) 29 March 2011
both are having rights, either not to interest to live with each other then wife can go divorce and maintenance, in CRPC sec125. all disbutes become complaint
If parties are mutually consenting for divorce and maintenance then a petition for mutual consent can be filed before the Hon'ble Family Court and if the wife refuses to consent for divorce under the circumstances the husband has to file a petition for divorce under the appropriate act as may be applied to the parties and grounds as may be applicable for divorce.