A member of our housing society had expired ( in 2017) leaving his unmarried daughter as sole heir . He had made her his nominee as well as associated member during his life time which was duly acknowledged by his Society . But after his death , Society says Nomination register is eaten by white ants , and associated membership had expired on date of his death . Society is now treating her as an " Occupant " and are showing arrears of rent as rs 450000( 300000 as rent ,150000as interest ) in bills issued inthe name of her deceased father . Society is not providing her documents to verify the amounts charged and are not making her it's member . Recently , Society has entered into an agreement with a builder for Redevelopement of Society building . It denied her any information on process and participation in said process saying she is an outsider . Some committee and general members have suggested that she should not be given new house in Redeveloped building .
Question - 1) Can society deny her benefits of Redevelopement ?
2) what are her options ?