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Sundar singh (Asst manager)     22 October 2009

Marry a egyptian girl

Hello sir i am sundar i am 24 years old i and a hindu,i have posted my query bfore also that i want to marry a egyptian girl residing in egypt she is 21 years old and a muslim.i am deeply in love with her and i will visit her soon.she has all the documents with her and she also love me equally.As she is from islamic country her parents will never allow to marry an indian and non muslim girl in india.But she is ready to run away from her country and marry here with me.I know in indian citizen can marry with any religion but when i read the special marriage act i get so confused that is the "NOC".As she is from islamic country how they will make a non marraige certificate for her.Can we make it here in india from egypt embassy in india?What are the other ways to marry her?plz help me out ur suggestions will always b appreciated



 46 Replies


Ask her to come India on visit visa. Marry her and take marriage certificate. Go and apply for NOC in Egyptian embassy in India.

Sundar singh (Asst manager)     22 October 2009

but sir without non marraige certificate how can i marry her they will ask us for the certificate

Khaleel Ahmed (Legal Advisor)     22 October 2009

You can not marry muslim girl from egypt. No NOC be issued through egyptian embassy in this regard. A marriage between Muslim female with non muslim male always prohibitted as per holy Quran. Such marriages stand illegal under Shariat Law.


Can a Muslim man can marry non-muslim female? 

World is speaking about globalization. There is nothing wrong marrying a muslim with non muslim. In the Gulf many shaiks married non-muslim females.



Dear Sunder ji,

She can get her social status certificate in Egypt. After getting her social status certificate only you can marry.

Sundar singh (Asst manager)     22 October 2009

Refering to mr khafeel i would like to say that y i cant marry a muslim girl in india there is law by which i can marry her.and i have talked in this regard to many advocates they have'nt said that i cant plz can u put some light in ur words that u have posted ur suggetions will b appreciated regards

Suchitra. S (Advocate)     22 October 2009

Khaleel Ahmed Sir, I know that a non muslim girl can marry a muslim boy but a non muslim boy cant marry a muslim girl if I am right. And in case if a non muslim boy wants to marry a muslim girl, he has to get converted to Islam. Otherwise such marriage is considered void even in India. So, usually, it is marriage between a non muslim girl marrying a muslim boy and not vice versa. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Sundar singh (Asst manager)     22 October 2009

Sir according to law and as per special marrage act i can perform the marraige plz refer special marraige act 1954



Dear Suchitra ji,

In India we have freedom. If some one belive in some religion, he/she can adopt/convert of its choice. As you said it is not necessary a non-musleem male convert into musleem and marry female musleem. She can convert into non-musleem and can marry non-musleem. Our constitution has given that much of freedom to our citizens.


Kamal Grover (Advocate High Court Chandigarh M:09814110005     23 October 2009

Your marriage is possible, first ask her to get non marriage certificate and then come to india on tourist viza rest our team will handle and help you to perform your marriage.


Suchitra. S (Advocate)     23 October 2009

Satya Prakash ji, with due respect I want to say that I am very well aware of the facts which you have explained. But in practicality, it is too difficult to get married to a muslim girl with a non muslim boy. Thats why I asked Khaleel sir to express his view on this. We may call our country secular, but even then some of the issues are not yet solved. Let me hear what Khaleel sir has to say.

Anjali (IT)     23 October 2009

ask the girl to come to India. before she comes to India , as her to get the "marriage absence certificate"  from any notary in Egypt..In india, take her to any arya samaj and convert her to Hindu. Get the conversion certificate  and then marry her either hindu marriage act/special marriage act...All the BEST..

Sundar singh (Asst manager)     23 October 2009

Reffering to anjali first i would like to thank u for ur positive query is that in the special marraige act 1954 it is written that she has to get a letter or certificate that she is not married in egypt.can u put some light on this. And refering to mr khafeel i would like to say sir y dont u put some light in ur words it is still not clear.i am a citizen of india and i have read the special marraige act 1954.i dont care about the law under muslim law.i am talking about the law of my country what the law says.plz put some light on ur thoughts i am waiting ur reply Regards

Khaleel Ahmed (Legal Advisor)     23 October 2009

Dear Suchitra and other friends,

Please try to understand what I have explained is Shariat. A muslim male also prohibitted to mary with non muslim women, execpt KITABIYA ie., Christian women or Jew women. A muslim male also not permitted to marry with Hindu women or any other exept those I have mentioned as KTABIA. If such marriages happened out of shariath law will stand void  within the perview of Sharia.

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