I'm writing about AP Bar council head about how he added fraud in my state.
I wrote making fun of him. Posted a news link which state a thief worked as judge and released criminals. Compared that news with him. Made direct comments that he ' looks ugly, workthief, and not caught yet'. Also, added a hastag #aphighcourt #apdgp to it.
It's like that in my facebook.
Can they charge me with defamation?
How can they charge me when
1. FB did not delete the post
2. Injustice done by him and documents at hand.
3. When the court is at flaw that they did not take any remedial actions since 20 years ago when my type of case occured first time. (Crime is always similar)
4. When I supplied substantial evidence that they are frauds but not proven. (News link)
Thanks to news reporters I have loads of crime news about public servants mistreating public
What is your expert opinion?