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Swapnil Shirodkar (Process Control Engineer)     19 February 2012

Definition of mental cruelty..

I Just want to know the elements of Mental Cruelty

1. If the Daughter in Laws sleep is Broken due to sound of utensil does it amount to mantal cruelty

2. if the Father in law and brother in Law uses the bedroom in the absence of daughter in Law, Does it aount to mental cruelty

3. If the daughter in Laws Demand not to use the bedroom by father in law and Brother in law in a one bedroom Flat is not met does it amount to Mental Cruelty. 


 6 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     19 February 2012

@ Author

Repeat que.

The answer is NO reason being FIL married his daughter with 'wide open eyes" to a SIL who had at the time of marriage 1 BHR - right or did your FIL not see your status of his future SIL before marriage and at the time of marriage and at any time subsequent thereto!

Tomorrow this DIL will find Rashtrapati Bhawan's 340 rooms its 37 saloons and 74 lobbies to be small for drying her hair !

Donot contest such frivolous / vague allegations based petition for divorce and get over with such metro wives.
Reasoning: Tomorrow all married couples and extended families who are living in
Asia’s biggest slum – Dharavi (Mumbai) should be dissolved if one knows the way the population somehow lives in shanty areas in this slum colony.    

Solution: You should ask your FIL to provide her daughter with Malabar Hills condo unit on her name and it is not an offence to seek loan and or money for such solutions as per Hon'ble SC precedent in a S. 498a IPC quash case where SIL took some loan for family sustainence and his wife in connivence with her father filed mental cruelties based dowry allegations ............  


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dr.pawan rajyan (member and secretory)     19 February 2012

no mental cruelity.regards

dr.pawan rajyan (member and secretory)     19 February 2012

no mental cruelity.regards

Swapnil Shirodkar (Process Control Engineer)     19 February 2012

Thanks.... I would also welcome any feddback from Advocates as i am collecting evidence... 

Adv Archana Deshmukh (Practicing Advocate)     19 February 2012

There is not hard and fast defination of mental cruelty.  But a sustained course of abusive and humiliating treatment calculated to torture or render miserable the life of one spouse by the other spouse can be termed as mental cruelty. The unjustified conduct of the spouse should be such that it is actually affecting physical and mental health of the other spouse

Trivial quarrels and normal disputes such as are mentioned by you are not grounds for mental cruelty. 

Swapnil Shirodkar (Process Control Engineer)     19 February 2012

Thank u Madam.... i really appreciate ur feedback... i have married a psycopath and i am suffering now... these are valid pts... i will def use this in the court of law... and rip apart that b*tch!!!!!!!!... My moms health has detiriorated cuz of her..

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