A false Dowry case is framed with the help of police after engagement broke off from both the parties due to some personal issues between both the parties. A fight between girl's brother and groom. They waited till we get married to some other girl and then framed a case for Rs.600000 (6 lakhs).I want this to be quashed in Hyderabad high court. His witnesses are all from his village from Andhra area from his side. What are the chances of me winning the case? Since it is false case they are defending very strongly, once our AB was rejected then we got stay of arrest. They attacked us twice and we did not go for investigation too due to fear of.so charge sheet says we did not cooperate for investigation even though we spoke to SI on phone and gave all the details. He filed charge sheet against us. Now we want to quash the charge sheet in high court. What are the possibilities to quash? Our lawyers say bench is not good? Do we need to wait for bench even though we did not commit any mistake? Form 1 year we are suffering? Harassment calls, threatening calls. When we applied for transfer to common place it was just rejected.
Now I want s strong lawyer and advice from HYDERABAD who can win quash irrespective of bench. Not just bluffing lawyer. A serious Lawyer who can fight for truth and make me win?
Anyone? Anyone?