Hello, my name is Anshul, I had some problem in my right anckle, I went to a doctor, he checkd all and ,wrote the results of the tests performed on a paper, and signed it. after a few days, I wrote "rest" on that paper, without any genuine cause, but for pasting it on my wall, so that It would remind me that what had happened with me , and what I had to do.(motivational purpose) . then after some days, some one in my college told me that ,that doctors fee is reimbursable, and then I went for that, and attached that report of added "rest" in the re imbursement form.
then the problem that came is now, when I got back to the same doctor and he watched that rest, and started shouting on me. saying that I had done some forgery,
I want to know that, I used that paper only for reimbursment purpose, I did not used that "rest" word for purpose of cheating.
My final question is , that Am I in danger of any illegal issue.