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Kashyap Vyas (Private Equity Professional)     05 August 2009


 Dear  Sir/Sirs,


Re:-  Harassment    and  Nuisance    created   regularly  since  last  more  than  2  years  by  Mr  Jaswant  from  FLAT  NO. A- 004 , Premnagar No. 5,Co-op Hsg Society Ltd,

Off  S.V.P.  Road, Borivali(West),Mumbai-400092  by  carrying  on  Commercial  Activities  at  Residential  Area.

REGN  NUMBER : BOM/WR/HSG/TC/4227  OF  1988-89


I  Kashyap  Vyas  the  members  of  Premnagar  Bldg. No.5  Cooperative  Housing  society  hereby  desire   to  stop  any  kind  of  Commercial  Activities  from  our  Residential  premises with  immediate  effect. The  owner  of   Flat  No. A-004  Mr  Jaswant  is  conducting  business  under  name  &  style  Jaswant  &  Company  infact  from  2005/06 ; almost  since  last  4  years. Initially  we  had  no  problem  as  business  activities  were  relatively  on  smaller  scale    or  say  limited  so  it  was  not  objected. But  now  business  is  being  carried out  in  full  swing  from  the  above named  residential  premises. I  stay  at   Flat  no. A-003  had  been  verbally  protesting  for  horrible  Nuisance   and  Irritation  since  last  2  years ; had been  lodging  oral  complaints  to  Secretary  Mr  Nitin, Mr  Rajni  Gandhi  a  senior  Member  of Society ( not  committee  member) and  Mr  Jaswant  owner  of  Flat  no.A-004  but  Nuisance  is  continued  as a  usual  schedule.


Even  I  had   given  2  complaint  letter  to  The  Secretary  &  Managing  Committee  on  13/06/2009  and  16/06/2009 .But  to  our  surprise  no action is  taken  by  The  Secretary  &  The  Managing  Committee  even though  being  vested  with  full  power , authorities  by  members  of  Society.  (The   members  of   co-op  housing society).  The  contents  of  letters   is reproduced  below  for  your  reference ;


“My  family  is  undergoing  very   awful   and  nasty  situation  since  last  more  than 2  years   due  to  full-blown   and    total   business  activities  being  conducted  by  owner  Mr  Jasubhai   from  Residential  Premises  at  Flat  no. A- 004. 


I hope  the Managing  Committee  would  give  very  …….straightforward   And  ……..transparent  Reply  to  my  following   questions :-


v      Can  any  Member   conduct  business  activities  from  Residential  Premises  causing  Nuisance , Annoyance  to  other  Members  without  taking  permission  from  Local   Authority  or  Society  Authority ?


v      Has  Mr  Jasubhai  has   been  authorized  by  Society  and  Local  Authority ? If  authorized  please  show  me  any  such  consent  letter. ?


v      Even  if   any  such  permission  is  granted  or  obtained ( by  illegal  route)  at  Residential  Premises   the  same  can be  treated  as  annulled  Ab - Initio  ( Invalid  from  beginning)  on  objection  or  protest  expressed  by  any  just  A Single  Member  of  Society. I  want  very  expert  and   honest  view  of  Managing  Committee  &  all Office  Bearers   on  this  issue ?


v      Under  circumstances  if   business  is  conducted  unlawfully  and  illegally  why  Society  Authorities  does  not  compell  to  stop   such    commercial   activities ?


v      Last  question  to  all  members   of   Managing  Committee  And  Members  of Society  ;  will  you  allow  any  such  problem  creating   activities  nearby  your  Place  of  Residence ?  Please  give  me  specific   reply  YES  OR  NO ?   


I    request  you  to  please   stop   commercial  activity  at  above  named  flat  no A-004. It  is  causing   lot  of  disturbance  to  my  family  since  last  2 years. Daily  at  odd  Hours  whether  morning---afternoon  --night   or   late  night   some  kind  of  activities  is  always   on  ;  daily  people  in  large  numbers  are  visiting  the  premises  causing  horrible  disturbance. Large  numbers  of  strange  people  are  always  there  to  have  close  look  into  my  Drawing  Room. Why  we  live  at  Residential  Regd  Co-Op  Hsg  Society ?  We  want  some  kind  of  law  & order ; we  want  comfortable  life.The  office  gate  is  always  being  shut  down  and  opened  very vibrantly   making  very ……very    horrible  &  shocking  sound  at  any  time  whether  Early  morning  upto  ……….late  night.


I hope  you  would  take  appropriate  step  in  the  matter. With  regards , Kashyap Vyas”



After  taking  into  account  above  letters    and  problems  Faced  by  me  and  my  family  I  strictly   want  closure  of  any  kind  of  Business  Activities  by  Mr  Jaswant  with  immediate  effect.


As per the societies bye laws, residential complex cannot be used for commercial purpose. Unless there has been a resolution passed on to that by  the  Members  at  General  Body  Meeting. Ask for the copy of society bye law booklet and look it up...!


It’s not new that residential units on ground floor are converted into shops. Before jumping to any conclusion, it is important that  we  must  find out whether such shops/offices are legally permissible in a building / area, see building plan.One  has  to find out whether the  members have taken the legal permission of the Municipal Corporation for the change of user (residential to commercial). It is the civic body that determines whether shops can be permitted in your building by law and  with reference  to  original Building  Plan.It also indicates that our  Society byelaws do not allow / authorise shops without permission / resolution   strictly  by  us(The  Members  of  Society  not  by  Managing  Committee  ) at  General  Body Meeting.. So, it’s a little strange that in the absence of any authorization / permission from the General Body, this important decision of change of user has taken place. As far as cooperative laws are concerned, this is a case of gross violation, as no permission was taken before the change of user. Even  any  permission given later has no meaning, and no effect to cure the past actions that are unfair and unreasonable in law. In other words, the point to note is that for change of user of premises from residential to commercial, one needs the ‘prior permission’ of the Members  of Society( Not  Managing  Committee) and local civic body, and both are mandatory and cannot be sought later. In fact, both these are necessary, and either of the two permissions cannot suffice in the case of change of user. Thus our  position of understanding is correct, as far as the issue of permission of Society is concerned. If the permission of the Corporation is not taken for change of user  by   the  members  then it becomes a fit case to approach the cooperative court for relief. Change of user constitute a violation of the Development Control (DC) regulations, where the civic body can take necessary actions against such members.


I   hope  above  points  should  be  more  than  sufficient  to  take  immediate  and  emergency  action  by  all  the  authorities  to  whom  copy  of  this  letter  is  sent  either  by  Courier  or  Fax  or  both.


Further  I  was  surprised  and  shocked  by  very  casual  and  negligent  statement  made

by  one  of   Responsible  Committee  Member  Mr  Jagwani  in  the  presence  of  Secretary  Nitin  Parmani , Senior  ordinary  member  Mr  Rajni  Gandhi , Mr  Jaswant ,My Self    during  meeting  held  on  Saturday  in  the  last  week  of  June,2009. Even  wife  of  Secretary  was  also  present  at  the  meeting. Please  read  the  statement  given  below :-


v     You  keep  your  door  closed. ( Mr  Jagwani  was  teaching me  to keep  my main  door  closed) 

v     Any  member  is  free  to  do  any  activity  inside  the  home  why  should  we  interfere.

v     Mr  Jagwani  was  just  casually  telling  Mr  Jaswant(erring member)  “ you  will  defend  any  notice  served  by  society. ( He  was  talking  in  Hindi  “ Aapko  notice  milega  to Aap  to  Bachaloge)


I was  surprised  by  such  irresponsible  statements  by  Mr  Jagwani. Further  Mr  Rajni  Gandhi  and  Nitin  Parmani  just  kept  quiet  indicating  willingness  and  desire  to  support  umauthorised  commercial  activities  by  Mr  Jaswant.


Now  it  is  interesting  to  watch  how  Mr  Jaswant  is  defending  himself  against  my  legal  Notice   further  how  and  under  which  ground  Managing  Committee  Members would  be  able  to  defend  themselves   against  charges  leveled  against  them. I have  very  BIG  Question Mark  for  Mr  Jagwani ?


I  have  one  more  point  which  is  going  against  so  called  very ……very  responsible  committee  members  with  regard  to  demolishing  some( very small)  portion  of  illegal  construction  done  by  Flat no. B/007  , Name  of  Member  Mr

Bhupendra. The  key  point  needs  to  be  considered  is  if  Committee  Members  are  not  taking any  legal  action  against  Mr  Jaswant  then  how  can  they  demolish  illegal  structure  of  Flat No. B/007.  Simply  because  the  member  is  poor  and

Helpless. ?  I  want  very  clear  and  transparent  reply ; I  am  not  requesting

Managing  Committee  since  it  is  my  legitimate  right  to  have  information.



Please  read  following  Amendment  notice  circulated  to  all  the  societies  and

Published  in  the  leading  News Papers  all  over  Maharshtra.



Maharashtra Co-Op Societies Act Amended

K Ram Kumar / Mumbai April 12, 2002


In a move that will have far-reaching implications for societies established under the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies (MCS) Act, 1960, the state government has notified that all elected members of the managing committee of societies are required to execute a bond holding them “jointly and severally” responsible for all the decisions the committee takes.


Called the MCS (Amendment) Rules, 2002, the new rules are applicable to co-operative banks, co-operative federations and co-operative housing societies, among others. A new form, M-20, has been inserted whereby elected members of managing committees have to declare they are jointly and severally responsible for all the acts and omissions detrimental to the interests of the society.


“Lack of professionalism, transparency, insider/connected borrowing and political interference are the bane of co-operative banks. This has taken a toll on their financial health. The new measure will deter managing committee members from taking arbitrary decisions,” said a senior co-operative banker.


According to another co-operative banker, the new rules could prove to be the proverbial double-edged sword. "It is like a pro-note, which makes each member personally liable. For example, even if a loan decision is taken on merits, an error of judgement cannot be ruled out. So under the new rules, if an advance which was extended during the tenure of a member goes bad, he will be liable for it even if he ceases to be a member of the managing committee," he explained.


Residents of co-operative housing societies, who normally are reluctant to take up the honorary responsibility of looking after the affairs of the society, are expected not to join managing committees.


According to the new rules, every elected member of the managing committee of a society shall execute a bond on a stamp paper, as provided under the Bombay Stamp Act, 1958, within 15 days of his assuming office. The chief executive officer/secretary of the society shall receive such bonds and keep them in the records of the society and accordingly inform the Registrar of Societies within 15 days from the formation of the committee. Further, under the rules, a provisional list of voters should be prepared by every notified society in the year in which the election of the society is due to be held. Persons who have completed a minimum two years as members from the date of their enrolment should be included in the provisional list.


Yes it is mandatory for the Committee members of a Society to execute a bond [Form M-20] within 15 days of assuming office, as provided by Sec.73[1][ab] of the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act 1960 r/w. Rule 58A of the MCS Rules, 1961. The bond must be made as per the format of Form M-20 on Rs 100 stamp paper purchased in the Society's name. The bonds will remain on the Society's records but copies must be lodged at the office of the concerned Dy. Registrar.


Failure to comply with the above renders the Committee member[s] statutorily disqualified.


I  want  compensation  of  Minimum  Indian  Rupees  1,50,000/-  from The

Premnagar  5  Co-op  Hsg  Society  Ltd   for  not  taking  quick  action  and  providing  full  support  to  Mr  Jaswant  since  last  4  years. This  is a  very  serious

Offence. My  family  life  is  fully  disturbed ; my  business  is  affected  very  adversely  because  of  the  continued  nuisance. Please  read  reason  why  I  claim

Compensation  &  Damage  of  Rs  1,50,000/- .


Can a member approach consumer forum for redressing his grievance?

Yes. Housing is covered under the term “service” in the Consumer Protection Act,

1986 (the CPA 1986). Therefore the services rendered to the members by the

housing society falls within the purview of the CPA 1986. Further, the provisions

of the CPA 1986 are in addition to and not in derogation of any provisions

contained in any other Act This means that the provisions of the CPA are

additional remedial  avenues provided to the consumers by the Parliament  of  India.

In view of the above, any dispute with a housing society by any member with

respect to rendering any services such as allotment of house, possession of house,

rendering maintenance services in relation to housing complex etc are covered by

the CPA 1986 and a member can approach the Consumer Forums for claiming

compensation and damages against the housing society for rendering deficient

services. The Supreme Court has held in the case of Secretary, Thirumurugan

cooperative Agricultural Credit Society v. M.Lalitha, (2004) 10 CLA-BL Supp that

a member can approach consumer forum as a consumer to redress his grievance

against a cooperative society. Housing society primarily being a cooperative

society this judgment is applicable to cooperative housing society also.


Apart  from  legal  aspect  please  look  at  my  profile  link  given  above  to  know  about  my  profession  and  financial  profile  for  claiming  damage of  Rs 1,50,000/-(Rupees  One Lac  Fifty  thousand )

I am private equity, Venture Fund professional from Mumbai. India associated with ICICI Venture Fund as a Sales Consultant. I also deal with large number of Venture Fund Companies at India and other countries VIZ USA,UK,EUROPE,Canada and other Asian countries..I normally receive Minimum of 100 proposals every Month from India ,USA,UK, Canada & Other Europian countries. Annually  I  deal

With  Venture  Fund  &  Private  Equity  deal  worth  $500 million to  $800 million.

Since  last  almost  3  Months  I  am  not  able  to  transact  business  properly  due

to  harassment &  torture  by  commercial  activities. I  deal  with  highly  professional  corporates,Directors, Finance  Professional  at  India  & USA,UK, & other  Europian  Countries  regularly. Such  dealing  requires  complete  peace  of

mind  and  very  healthy  atmosphere. My  business  is  badly  affected  by  regular

and  frequent   harassment  by  carrying  on  business  activities  Mr  Jaswant .


I  show  Copy  of  some  emails  to  substantiate  my  above  statement. Otherwise People  like  Mr  Jagwani  would  tell  it  is  all  humbug  &  non-sense.


COPY  OF  EMAILS:- (From  USA  Located  corporates  for  Venture  Capital And  Private Equity)

(1)Hi Kashyap,

Great meeting you on line!

I am not sure whether the amount and type of investment we are looking for is a good fit for your business offering but let's take the first step and see where this may lead us.

Attached is our Executive Summary for  $2.5 mn capital requirement. If you feel this is something you would like to pursue further please let me know so we can arrange to send you more information. In any event I would very much like to hear your thoughts and receive feedback. Thanks!



Nick Athanassiadis COO/CTO | |

963 Braewood Ct, South Pasadena, CA 91030 | t: 310-601-7955 | c: 626-318-3397

(2)Hi Kashyap,


RE: $50M in funding  required for Profitable Animated Film Company.  Full Business Plan and Pre-screening of 4 films ready for distribution available


I have attached some additional information regarding the funding required for the Animated Film Group.  You can also see other projects that we have that require funding by visiting the PROJECTS section of our website at .  Please review and we can have a call to discuss at your convenience.


Danny Jester

Lincoln Corporation Ltd.

Voice: 214.683.2256

Fax: 214.379.1907

Skype: dannyjester



Danny Jester

Voice: 214.683.2256

Fax: 214.379.1907


Skype: dannyjester

Hi Kashyap,  I received your email and attached is much of the information you requested.  In the spirit of full disclosure, we have great interest from several funding sources at the moment and may be getting commitments in the coming days. We look  for  $120 million.  Thank you for your interest, please let me know if I can answer any questions.


Very Best,



Terry Johnson


Jeremiah International

1720 Entertainment



"Faith does not grow in the house of certainty"


(4)Hi Kashyap,


I spoke with my client today, and he informed me that you have a few suitors interested in 1720 Entertainment. I have brought several million to this client already, and I would welcome splitting my 4% commission with you (2% for me and 2% for you) on any monies you bring to 1720 Entertainment. All funds (commissions) will be paid by my client at closing (via wire transfer). Is this arrangement acceptable to you?


Best wishes,



8418 Admirals Landing Way

Indianapolis, IN 46236

T: (317) 250-3613

F: (866) 722-0034


I  hope  the  above  specimen  of  Venture  Deal  transactions  would  indicate  very

Clearly  how  much  damage  is  done  to  my  business  due  to  commercial  activities  by  Mr Jaswant  with  full  support  from  Committee  Members.


It   is  indeed  pity  that  I  have  to  deal  with  such a Uncivilized, Uneducated, Unorganised  class  of  people  who  do not  understand  what is  Human  Value,Social

Value, Family  Value . Such  people  do not  have  manners, standard  social  behaviour,

Courtesy,civility . They  have  just  their  own  selfishness  in  centre. Please  read  my

Comments  for  the  so  called  practical  people.


Practical pests!


Most Indian people get away with criminal mind sets, on the pretext of being practical. What all goes on in these practical minds is just psychopathic criminal nonsense. Just to avoid being good and leading a life of values and morals, these practical losers will stoop to any level to get what they want.


Indians always put being practical before being moral and will necessarily be immoral in the guise of being practical. It’s a pity that they trap themselves into evil misdoings like that. But even after education and experience, most Indians don’t let go off this obnoxious habit.


It’s the practical Indian who will cheat, lie, steal, even backstab his fiends and colleagues. I am a kind of idealist and realist and this kind of practical nonsense doesn’t go down well in my sensibilities.


I have friends who claim to be practical, just so that they get approval of their criminal activities. I have relatives who will do just about anything in the guise of practicality. Being practical is an easy way out to get the license to be licentious.


Many people break relationships, have illegitimate relationships, indulge in all kinds of taboo activities, all the time proclaiming that they are being practical. They will lead dubious lives, bring tension to the household, harass and instigate other people who might be better than them and say that they are being practical.


It is perhaps this mindset that foreigners are targeting in the West and unless Indians change their pathetic behaviour, they will mercilessly be hunted down like they have been in the past.



A)     Immediate  Closure  of  commercial  activites  completely by Mr  Jaswant.

B)     Expulsion  of  Mr  Jaswant  as  a  Member  of  Society  with  retrospective

Effect  from  2005  the  actual  date  of  purchase  of  property. Please read  the

Legal  grounds  &  circumstances  for  the  expulsion  given  below :-

Expulsion of members. :-

Any member of a co-operative society  may be expelled by a resolution passed by the committee of the co-operative society subject to the approval of such resolution by the Registrar if :

(i) the member has wilfully deceived the co-operative society by false document to obtain the membership of such co-operative society; or

(ii) the member incurs any of the disqualifications for being a member of the co-operative society; or

(iii) the member has brought disrepute to the co-operative society or has done any other act detrimental to the interest and proper working of the co-operative society:


Mr  Jaswant  has  been willfully   acting   against  interests  of   society  and  members  regularly  and  persistently  since  last  3 years (approximately)  inspite  of  complaints  lodged  verbally  by  me ; by  using  Residential  Flat For  Commercial  purposes  from  the  very  first  day  some-where  in  NOVEMBER ,DECEMBER  , 2005.  Eventhough  he had  signed   affidavit  to  use  property  for  Residential  Use  only as a  integral  part  of  Sales agreement   for   residential   flat  purchased  at  the  society.


C) I  Want  compensation  of  Minimum  Rs  1,50,000/-   with  all  incidental  cost  and

     Reimbursement  of  expenses  for  filing  complaints  against  society,Committee

     Members  and  Mr  Jaswant ( the  erring  member) including  legal  fees,advocate

     Fees , any  stamping  and  franking  charges  and  conveyance  …….and  all  expenses

     Not  included  above  from  The  Prem Nagar No. 5  Co-op Hsg  Society Ltd.

With  regards

Kashyap  Vyas





(1)Mumbai Suburban District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum

New Administrative Building, 3rd floor,Near Chetna College, Opposite Dr. Ambedkar Garden ,Government Colony , Bandra, Mumbai 400051 Telephone: 26551625


(2)THE  BOARD  OF  DIRECTORS ,THE MUMBAI  DISTRICTCO-OPERATIVE HOUSINGFEDERATION LIMITED , Vikas Premises, 1st Floor, Nyayamurty G.N.Vaidya Marg,Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.No.2266 1043,2266 0068.

(3)MR  Badhan,   , ADDL  Registrar(Budget & Planning),Office  of  The  Commissioner for  Co-operation &  Registrar  of   Co-Op  Housing  Society , Maharashtra  State, AT  PUNE, Central  Building ,Station Road , Pune -  411001.

Telephone:-  020-26129572 ; 26122846 ; 26122847  FAX:- 020-26133082

(4)Notice  To  The  Secretary  And  Managing  Committee

Prem  Nagar  Bldg  No.5, Co-op  Hsg  Soc  Ltd,Borivali(West),Mum-92.

      (5)The  Chief  Commissioner  Of  Mumbai  Municipality ( with A request to  know  what  action  was  taken  against  my  online  Complaint  Number  0720594023  dated  19-06-2009 at 2.00  Noon   against  Mr  Jaswant  Carrying  on  Commercial  Activities  from Flat  no. A-004 , Premnagar No.5 Society,Borivali(West),Mum-92.)

The  Local  Municipality   Office

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai,

Head Quarter, Mumbai C.S.T. 400001.

      (6)The  Respected  Chief  Minister  of  Maharshtra

Mr  Ashok  Shankarrao  Chawan

Chief  Minister  Secretariat, 6 th Floor , Mantralaya,

Mumbai-400 032.

PHONE  NUMBERS:  022-22025151 ; 022-22025222

FAX  NO:   022- 22029214

      (7)Mr  Rakesh  Maria , Joint  Commissioner  Crime  Branch,

Police  Comm. Office, Crawford  Market,Mumbai-400001.

Tele:-  022-22620406 ; 22620111 ; 22641261 ;

FAX:  022-22620557

(8)Copy  to  ALL  Leading  Newpapers  &  Media .  








 23 Replies

Mrs. Hetal Sunil Shah (Advocate)     07 August 2009

it is too long to read why do not you be snappy??

Anil Agrawal (Retired)     22 August 2009

File a complaint with Consumer Court.

vikas mishra (ADVOCATE)     11 September 2009

Mr. Kashyap .

    I feel u should complain to the dy.registrar and even if he doesnot listen than u should approch the co-operative courts, I dont think that consumer court is the correct remedy for u because u r not the consumer of the society you are the member

Anil Agrawal (Retired)     11 September 2009

 Corruption my dear Sir corruption. Nothing will happen. If you have faith in courts, you will become very old before the case is heard and decided and may be your children will continue the case.

Pushpa M Pillai (-)     22 September 2009

one of our housing societymember a real estate business in same premises wats to become secretary.  He is owner of flat & shop.Will you please inform he is eligible for the post.

Pushpa M Pillai (-)     22 September 2009

one of our housing society member ( a real estate agent) business in same premises wants to become secretary of the same society. He is the owner of flat . Will you please inform me he is eligible for the post

Anil Agrawal (Retired)     22 September 2009

 What is the ineligibility? Any member can be elected and become Secretary if elected members so desire.

Pushpa M Pillai (-)     22 September 2009

Some of the member had taken objection and says as per bylaws 121 (co.op.hsg society law) no profession/property dealer could not take office bearer post. Will you please clarify?

1 Like

Pushpa M Pillai (-)     22 September 2009

Some of the member had taken objection and says as per bylaws 121 (co.op.hsg society law) no profession/property dealer could not take office bearer post. Will you please clarify?


vikas mishra (ADVOCATE)     22 September 2009

Yes if he is the member of the society he is eligible to become secetary of the society if he has enough nos. of the members supporting him for the said post.

rajendra b. popat (proprietor)     07 February 2010


Allegation of Bazari activity but not supplying evidence :
  1. My wife and I am joint owner of flat on ground floor of the above named society, committee alleged that I am using flat for bazari activities. We filed reply to show cause notice issued by the society indicating that part of the flat can be used for CA profession as per BMC DC regulation and part for residence. The committee member did not show reply to any member of the society and deleted our name from membership of the society in AGM 7 months back.
  1. We are also not aware whether society has delivered the AGM resolution copy to the Registrar’s office.
  1. We have till to date not received hearing from the Registrar’s office.
Manipulation of AGM Minutes :
  1. Though in AGM meeting my wife lodged strong protest in writing in attendance slip the society committee passed AGM resolution stating that we have also consented to resolution (i.e. false preparation of minutes).
No reply to Two RTI Applications :
  1. I also filed Two RTI applications with the Registrar F south Malhotra House, Mumbai 400 001 in the month of March 2009 but neither the Registrar nor the society committee replies to all information sought including proof of allegation of bazari activities.
Cutting of tree and looting of fund from the said expenses :
6.   The 20 year old tree was murdered in the society compound by the committee members through out side people having power saw cutter and several trees were defaced, complaint was also lodged with tree authority and BMC, BMC reply after 3 months plus stated that tree fell on its own and society committee in its resolution stated that Rs. 15000/- is spent from the fund of the society for cutting of tree and due permission was received from BMC for cutting of the tree and also gave permission number stated to have been granted by the BMC office in the said resolution. The details of tree cutting was also asked under RTI vide para 3 above but no reply is received till to date.
7.       Details of expenditure of Rs. 15000/- incurred in the cutting of tree which was asked in the RTI application is also not provided to us, this again is in total violation of the Bye laws and statutory guidelines / appropriate procedures to be complied with before cutting of any tree in the BMC Jurisdiction.
Allegation of manipulation and demanding approx. Rs.16000/- plus.
  1. Society committee then alleged in the year 2009 that I have manipulated society bill of our flat and thereby charging less amount of maintenance since 2003 ( for the six months when I was secretary) and raised demand of approx Rs.15000/- ( initial demand in AGM notice was above Rs. 33000/- ) through resolution but not raising bill for the said amount till to date.
  1. Two days back I have received the said bill of Rs. 16000/- plus but the reason is not given to my reply when I manipulated and under which head and society is also not giving figures of other members for last seven years at what rate they were charged.
  1.  Further, I was not also secretary when the amount of maintenance charges reduced, as I became secretary much later when I pointed out that the tanker bought in society put the pipe in under ground tank of society was empty, and corruption through purchase of tanker water was continued in past ten years and simultaneously society was paying for BMC water charges besides society has water bore well. 
  1. I filed letter to Society committee along with copies to (a) Registrar, (b) District Deputy registrar (c) Joint registrar [ All at Malhotra House, Opp. GPO, Fort, Mumbai 400 001] and (d) Federation of Co operative Housing society at Verma Chambers, B/H SBI Head Office, Horniman Circl, Fort, Mumbai 400 023 asking for details of past seven years about maintenance charges charged to all the members but no reply is received from the committee of the society and no reply is received from above authorities also till to date.
External leakage but not repairing the same and looting money :
12.             Since last 4 years external leakage is there from first floor and water seeps in our flat and is continuously damaging the wall plaster and creating fungus and mosquitoes in side the flat for which complaint is filed with Society committee along with copies to (a) Registrar F south, (b) District Deputy Registrar and (c)  BMC F south but no reply is received from the committee of the society and no reply is received from above authorities also till to date. However, District Deputy Registrar replied that it is a dispute and be referred to Co Operative court. I fail to understand when specific provision in Bye laws is there then why the , District Deputy Registrar does not want to give direction to the Society committee ?
Looting money under the guise of major repair work :
11.     Though I have contributed Rs.82000/- plus for plastering and painting in the month of March 2009 ( within time schedule of amount to be paid) but work of not even Rs. 5000/- is done till to date and lekage is still persisting.
Making clear way to loot the money :
12.     The main reason for removal of my name is to keep me away from asking any question on tenders for repair, type of work to be done and already done etc.
Formation of cartel and looting money :
13.       In our society majority is of corporate member and hardly some individual members are there and they have formed cartel to loot the money. 
Mismanagement of Society affairs by managing committee members through innovative means and not complyinf with MCS Act, MCS Rules, Bye laws etc.:
14. AGM and business discussed there at is illegal : 
AGM held on 10.08.2008 is illegal and improper as evident from the notice of the meeting as the mandatory period of 14 days from the date of issuance of notice till the date of the meeting is not complied with. Thus agenda discussed and decided in AGM is null and void and is not binding on the members..
We are aware that similar issue has already been raised by one member named Mr. Shankar B. Shinde before your honourable office as well as with the society managing committee and the matter is under investigation since last several months from your honourable office.
Non Acceptance of letter from members and non reply to the said letter by
committee members :
15.    Mr Shankar Shinde and Mr. R.B.Popat have written to the society in RTI format as required under Right To Information Act, about several aspects one among them is providing details of expenses incurred on cutting of trees of Rs. 15000/- in the compound of the society and also legitimacy thereof but committee is not replying so far.
In view of the above complaint was lodged with the Assistant Registrar F South Mumbai who vide his letter dated 06.11.2008 Ordered to the committee of the society to accept acknowledge and reply to all the letters from the members.
Despite the aforesaid directive from the Registrar’s office the secretary in absolute defiance of Registrar’s order and also totally disregarding The Right to Information Act, till date continues to instruct the societies manager [ whose salary is paid out of maintenance collected from members ]  to refuse acknowledgement to any member in respect of any letter submitted in the societies office. Further the manager acting under the instructions of the secretary advises members in a very rude and arrogant manner to “ Drop” their letters addressed to the society in a box fitted outside the door of the society office and even if letter is dropped inside the same is destroyed and no cognizance of the same is taken as is evident from lack of any reply on members letters for months together, this proves the mala-fide and malicious intentions of the office bearers in general and the secretary/chairmen in particular. We seek your immediate intervention.   
Water flown in from external side while pipe broken while work was going on in secretary/chairperson flat :
16.     Mr. R.B. Popat has also written to the registrar about water flown in my house while repairing work was going on 22.12.2008/23.12.2008 in the house of chairman and secretary after having informed all the committee members not a single committee member came for inspection on 23.12.2008 and even refused to accept letter from Mr. R.B.Popat.
High handedness on collection demand for major repairs :
17.     Vide point no. 10 herein above AGM is illegal, hence collection towards major repairs and any business and agenda discussed there at is also null and void and not binding on any members of the society, though referred to The Registrar’s office he has decided to keep his eye’s and ear’s closed and allow committee to function as they like.

rajendra b. popat (proprietor)     07 February 2010

Reducing garden Area :

Recently while doing major repair work society committee members cut the garden area and increased parking area for cars and not utilising stilt open and covered parking space without BMC approval.

Kanaksinh P.Boda (Educationist/Lawyer)     08 February 2010

I think Mr. Vyas can approach Consumer Forum since he is paying for the serivices as a member and there is a clear deficiency in serivice by the CHS in not being able to give him the relief.

Kanaksinh P.Boda (Educationist/Lawyer)     08 February 2010

I think even Mr.Popat is being harassed by CHS in objecting to his using flat to earn his livelyhood. This definitely amounts to causing mental agaony and financial loss consequent to the said harassment . Mr. Popat can claim damages from CHS under Consumer Protection Act for sure. He shoul accordingly notify the CHS without loosing much time as he has already lost time and he will have to apply for condonation of delay. I suggest him to be specific for relief and teach lesson to the unruly members rather than approaching corrupt Govt.Office.

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