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Vandana   16 July 2016

Harrasment by in laws

Iam a 31yrs old housewife. N married from last 8 yrs n living with my in laws who are making my life hell.I have a 5 yrs old autistic husband doesn't understand what his mother n sister doing to mevn neither he wants to talk to me abt parents don't support me as acc to them......ladki ka sasuraal hi uska ghar hota hai.whether they beat u or kill u.u HV to live with them.i want to file divorce but iam concerned abt my sons custody coz I CNT live without him.if I will be filing divorce where will I go n stay.n above all d moment I will file divorce I will HV to leave d house or otherwise my life will be made more miserable by these monsters who are eating my soul everyday. Pls somebody help me to come out of this hell. Pls suggest what shall I do.

 7 Replies

Sandhya Srinivas (Advocate & Legal consultant)     16 July 2016

Dear Vandana,

               Before filing Divorce petition, you file a petition under Domestic Violence Act, where you can pray for protection orders and releifs like residence, maintenance, etc., Consult an advocate.


Sood   16 July 2016

Not like that..go for cruelty case nd in the maintenance prayer as for residence too... For further contact m Rgds Adv.sood

JustAdvisor (IT)     16 July 2016

if you have problems against mother in law and sister in law, why divorce the husband?

Courage by my side (Homemaker)     16 July 2016

Divorce husband coz he is nt supporting me.he clearly said that he cn live without me but CNT leave his mother n sister n iam bound to bear every torture caused by them.whether it is abusing my parents or me on small n petty issues.according to them its their house i which iam living n they can throw me out whenever they want if i dont do as they want.evn i got threats by my sis in law dat if i go for divorce i have to leave my son to them.which i CNT evn think of.

Rahul (Service)     16 July 2016


Marriage frictions happen in every home. some look to positive side. some cribble over negative side. What your parents are advising you is the right thing - your home is now with your husband and in laws. If you consult advocates, they will surely advice for DV, maintenance, residence bla bla... What will you do of the money if your child does not like you. Think for the child. The child needs mother and father both and even grandparents.  Friction does not happen without reasons. There must be some wrongs from your side  which are not liked by the family. Think abt the manner in which you can win your in laws. 

After some years you will also become a mother in law and you will also be shouting on your daughter in law. Ill will between women in the joint family is the most common reason of destruction of marriages. 

Speak to your husband on what is expected from you. try to deliver that. Respect the mother in law as an elder. Sister in law may be just ignored. 

Running to courts will ruin the rest of your life. You may put your in laws in jail, you may get a lot of money, but will loose your near and dear ones. Even the child will grow up with a craving for his father and grandmother. 

The very fact that you have posted your query here shows that you are educated and know that law can be misused to harass in laws. 


Courage by my side (Homemaker)     18 July 2016

Rahul. I Dont know why but for one instance ur views gave me a sort of relief.I started thinking of saving my marriage.n it makes me question myself 'HV I done enough.'for few second I put my self respect aside.see. 2 yrs back my son was diagnosed with mild autism.till den iam taking him to therapies,to doctors,to skill development classes n many more addition to dis iam doing all d household iam fighting wid d school management to keep my son in d school.but nobody in d house help me or even cares if iam tired or sick.but yes if I miss any of d household task den everybody is after my life.even iam to be blamed by my family for my sons autism coz I didn't perform a particular Pooja while I was carrying my child which brings bad luck on him.this is not enough.I CNT visit my parents coz it will effect d whole house but when they visit me.nobody bothers to welcome them or serve even a glass of water to dem.n there are many more things including abusing me n my parents for every misfortune in d house.but still iam questioning myself.hv I given enough?coz iam a girl n that too in india.where girls are not supported by society evn by her parents to take a stand for themselves.

A walk alone (-)     18 July 2016

As a girl I understand you. Before filing any case first collect evidence. Without evidence filing case is wastage of time and money. First be cool. Behave well mannered in your husband house. Dnt show any angryness . Just start recording when they abuse you and your family. If his family beats you just record all. Think about negative points of divorce( about your son who needs you both). When you make up your mind and they cross all limit file dv first for residential and maintenance then divorce. I know in India our parents from starting teach us ladki ka ladki ka sasuraal hi uska ghar hota hai.whether they beat u or kill u. But they forget every patience has limit. Only because we are girl anyone has beat, abuse, demands money from us. No sister we should also have self respect. It's better to be alone then live in abusive relationship. Marriage works on two wheel if one wheel dnt work then how can marriage works. Sister dnt file any false case. File only that case which you can prove. If you file divorce you have to leave your husband house. You dnt have to leave your son you can take son with you. As your son is 5 years after filing divorce your husband can file custody for son.

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