neithal 12 August 2018
SOLOMON.RAJ (advocate/director) 12 August 2018
neithal 13 August 2018
Adv. Varun Vij (Advocate) 14 August 2018
Firstly, Being a major, it's your right and free will to get married to anyone you desire. Conversion is optional and also its your call to follow it or not.
Secondly, It should be your call to take. You can solomnize your married under Special Marriage Act and have it registered.
Have a word with both your parents and best is to convince them rather to move with fear.
Aks 18 August 2018
Fully agree with Adv Solomon advice. I just want to add that when you take a bold action in life such as going for an intercaste, inter religion marriage...first thing you both need is fearless heart. If you believe in yourself and can fully trust each other, you should follow your heart even if there are big hurdles in your way.
If your parents love you, they will accept this marriage later on. But you need to be prepared for the anger of your tribes as they might throw you out of home, not help financially , kick you out of both communities etc.
Do you have JIGARA to face such hardships ? Are you strong enough ? Are you self dependent ? If yes, run to court and get married under special marriage act and leave the rest to God/Allah or Whatever...Love marriage is only for brave people.