You are using the word "Settled" with regard to the property to his daughter. What exactly you mean settled? Did he transfer the property by way of Registered Gift Deed to his daughter or Did he transfer the same by way of a Registered Sale Deed or whether he merely wrote her name in his Will. In the forst two cases ie. Registered Gift Deed and/or Registered Sale Deed, the same are valid and nobody can question the same. However, he "settled the property" merely by writing her name in his Will, it does not become her property as long as he is alive. Even after he is no more, the property can be proceeded against for clearance of the loan taken by him.
Now coming to your loan. The Loan given by you appears to be a clean loan without any security. Although he was owning a house property when he took loan from you, he did not offer the same as security to you. However, he took a loan from SBI with the House property as security and subsequently transferred the property to his daughter. I do not know how he could do it when the property papers are with SBI. Anyhow, that is a matter between SBI and the borrower and his daughter.
As far as you are concerned, as on the date of your filing suit, he did not have any property. Now please refer to para of this reply where I summarised the means by which he could have transferred the property to hsi daughter. If the transfer of property is merely by way of Will you can proceed against the property for execution of the decree in your favour. It will be difficult to convince the court if he had transferred property by way of Gift or Sale (both registered) as loan taken by you was in 2014 and he transferred property to his daughter more than 2 years later in 2016.However, you can make an attempt.
There is no point in impleading SBI as they are in no connected. If the loan taken by him was not paid, SBI has every right to proceed against such property as the loan was given only because he gave the property as security.