I have a 4 cent site near Pollachi, Coimbatore area, DTP approved. I bought
it before 2 years. I have bought this land from a layout promoter. I heard that
PATTA is needed for this site. Now a days, patta is given along with registration documents, but before 2 years, patta had to be applied separately.
Can you tell me how to obtain patta? Is it a tedious process? Do I have to
frequently visit the government offices for this? Do I have to go to the
Registrar office or go to VAO? How much time it will take and what will be
the amount to be spent for this? I also want to know the use of "patta".
Is patta necessary to for apply for bank loans for house construction?
Can RTI be used to obtain patta? or will the govt officials get angry if I use RTI?