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r.karthick (Business development - coordinator )     02 May 2013

Love problem


Hi sir,


This is karthick i have problem in my love pls any one help me. i love one girl past 1.8 years she is also loving me last 15 days she didnt called me and i try to see her but she is not in pg and i tried to her mobile num here bava(uncle) pick the call so i cut the call and i ask my frnd to call her she called to her . my frnd called to me and informed like she got marriage without her willing  now she is ready to marriage me am also ready to marry her i want to know is there any legal problem 

 pls help me how to save my love 


 15 Replies

r.karthick (Business development - coordinator )     02 May 2013

sir am 26 she is 24 but she got marriage last week what to do ...........

Ranee....... (NA)     02 May 2013

Originally posted by : r.karthick

sir am 26 she is 24 but she got marriage last week what to do ...........

Then forget her.She forgot you and may be very happy and enjoying life with her husband.this is tough but you have to try.

Aadil (Sales Manager)     03 May 2013

Forget and delete her phone number from ur Mobile and don't ever call u said she got marriage last week..then she is not Loving or caring u..

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     03 May 2013

  1. Forget and move on in a 15 days old Love of her where you invested 1.8 years which is not a fairy love story!
  2. It will take her to wait minimum 1 year to move a divorce petition as per personal Law to seek valid divorce before she is able to present herself for re-marriage and may be marry you otherwise if she runs away from her recent marriage then it will be a serious criminal consequence called “adultery” for her cause upon to do so if her present husband challenges her and you may also get involved into such criminal case.

ragz hyder (PM)     03 May 2013

Talk to her. Ask her if her husband is well off and if she has spent even 1 day at his place along with his parents.

Ask her to file 498A against her husband and in-laws.Better yet, ask if she can create some incident like cutting herself or burning herself. then be there for her and go straight to police station and file complaint at womans cell.

DV. Then claim right to residence in husbands property or marital home. you can keep visiting her as friend.

CRPC 125

Promise lawyer 20% of cut. that way you dont have to pay him anything upfront. unnecessary expenses for you.

Get 20-25 lakhs settlement otherwise keep torturing the new family

once they give money you can put in fixed deposit that should help you both settle down happily.

dont worry about above advices. they dont have a clue. You dont have to settle in life neither does she as long as she has a husband to harass and she loves you you are set for life. but most important of all dont let this lottery go.

r.karthick (Business development - coordinator )     03 May 2013


sir yesterday she called me she said she is ready to come with me becz without her willing she got marriage i want to know is there any possibility to marry her....

r.karthick (Business development - coordinator )     03 May 2013


Mr. akash dont say like that still she loving me . me also loving her suddenly its happened without her knowledge what to do she called and said i ll come with u like that what to do i need lawyer help i what to know how solve this problem without illegal


See if you have balls( see I have written it in bold and underlined it), you and your GF go to her husband, explain him that you love each other and ask him to file for nullity.
Running away with someone else's wife is not a MAN thing. Give a thought or otherwise welcome to litigation. End of the day you will have a criminal case registerred againist you.

498-must-scrap (Manager)     03 May 2013

@ragz hyder 

Why you are suggesting to put false 498A when not the fault of the girls husband & family.

Please dont give wrong advice. 


Vinay, that was a sarcastic comment.

498-must-scrap (Manager)     03 May 2013



Sorry @ragz hyder I misunderstood your comment

r.karthick (Business development - coordinator )     03 May 2013


She i have planned. Am going to file a case on that fellow throe my GF after that i ask to apply for diverse i thinks this is the better way pls help me am serious 

Harsh (Manager)     03 May 2013

Mr Karthick

You are PATHETIC. This is not a counselling forum (try writing to Pooja Bedi

or some Agony Aunt column).

You and your GF (or whatever she is) now plan to target that poor husband

You may be able to file a case (easy !) - but you can be sure that it will not work in your favor (or your GF).

Your only option is to explain and convince - if the new husband voluntarily agrees to part good for you.

Else you will ruining 3 lives and their well-wishers' happiness.

Get some sense - and dont ask suggestions about how to commit a crime, how to target someone.

Talk to your parents/friends, why do you need lawyers?

kkkkkiran, tum meri ho.

ragz hyder (PM)     04 May 2013

Recommend the new husband to consummate the marriage lots of times before letting her go. Lots and LOTS and LOTS. Even new anti-rape law cannot stop him. Atleast he will get something out of marriage other than a divorcee tag and potentially false cases.

Then Karthick you can take her hand.

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