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SBhushan.G (BDM)     09 January 2011

Name Change/Correction

Dear Respectable Lawyars,

I have a problem i request you all to help me with your valuable suggestions.

In my SSC Certificate my name and my father name got misprinted.I passed out my SSC in 1994.

The current mis printed neme is : S Bhushan Gunnabatula .It is Supposed to be Sasi Bhushan Gonnabhaktula.

My father name misprinted as Rangacharyulu.It is Supposed to be Rangachary.

I have approached SSC Board they said it cant be changed now.You have to do it leagally through Gazette publication.

My father is a govt.servent and in all his records the name is Rangachary only.Now when i would like to apply for pass port.I think name difference will be a problem.

I am so confused and depressed because of this.Could you please guide me the way to sort out this issue.

Please Help me


Sasi Bhushan.G 

 13 Replies

Isaac Gabriel (Advocate)     10 January 2011

The remedy available for this mistake is to file a suit for declaration

Abhishek Marvi (ADVOCATE)     10 January 2011

gazette publication it is better option,and this publication is also valid

Prof Wg Cdr G Kumar (Professor)     10 January 2011

Find on the Internet Indian Passport Act and locate, at its end, the 'Affidavit for Change of Name'. Now prepare an Affidavit on the lines recommended therein, get it attested by an Executive Magistrate (or at least a Notary Public) and, based on the same, publish a 'Public Notice' in the cheapest available local Newspaper -- this paper should preferably be approved by your local District Court as a paper for publication of 'court notices' (this information you can get from any Ahalmad/Peshkar/Reader of that Court). Then get the said Notice published in the State/Central Gazette, too.

Thereafter, through your last school attended, apply to the concerned Board (CBSE etc) -- which conducted your SSC Exams, to correct your name. In the meanwhile, the publication in the local newspaper will stand you in good stead for all practical purposes.


ESN MURTY (RETD)     10 January 2011

Dear Sasi, Kindly let me know what is meant by BDM   and whether you have finished your studies? Ishall revert to the matter after your reply.

SBhushan.G (BDM)     10 January 2011

Thank you one and all for the Inputs given.

BDM Means Business Development Manager.I have completed my studies.

ESN MURTY (RETD)     11 January 2011

Dear SASI,

                    1.Address a typed application to the MRO  REQUESTING TO CERTIFY  NAME CHANGE along with a notarised affidavit (STATING THAT YOUR NAME HAS BEEN WRONGLY SPELT  IN YPOUR EDUCATIONAL CERTIFICATES)

                   2.SUBMIT ANNEXURE-I  ( SPECIMEN BELOW)



The Mandal Revenue Officer,



1. I.A.B(Existing full name of the personconcerned in Block Letters). Insert his full present address showing Door No Locality, Village or town or Cirty,Police Station, Taluk,& District where born at and as a Citizen.

2. My age on the date of application is(date of birth in the Christian Era and age).

3. My father's full name is/in Block letters.

4. My Mother's full name is/in Block letters:

5. I am single/Married/Widow

6. My wife's/Husband's full name is/was :

7. Marks of identification :




8. Occupation :

9. I am in the service of the State Govt./the Govt. of India. State the nameof the Dept. Designation and date ofhis appointment.

10. Profession or Occupation other thanGovt. service (here state detailsregarding designation, name and addressof Employer, Station of posting etc.)

11. Intend to change my existing name as full name in block letters.

12. I.A.B. to solemnly and sincerely declarethat the fore-going particulars stated in this application are true and I makethis solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true.

Place : Signature of the Applicant

Date :




With reference to the application filed by---------------------is informed that on the basis of the information available, ---------------------(address)---------has qualified for recognition as a Citizen of India. The communication has been issued to him/her so as to enable him/her to change his/her name/surname and it has no legl validity what so ever.

Mandal Revenue Officer,

Mandal Executive Magistrate.


                  4.Submit the original Annexure-ii received from the MRO along with adress proof, attested copies of educational certificates  and a copy of affidavit( item-1) to the Commissione GOVT PRINTIG PRES S  CHANCHALGUDA, HYD along with a DD  for urgent category printing in Gazette.

               5.After receiving gazette notification copy  publish ADVT. in one telugu and one english news papers.

               6.A freshh  affidavit as given in the passport application duly notarised along with copies Two news paper ADVTS  are to be submitted along with PASSPORT application.

1 Like

SBhushan.G (BDM)     11 January 2011

Murthy Sir,

As already mentioned I need a correction in my name and my father name as well.

In this case do i need to go for duel gazette?

Kindly clarify


ESN MURTY (RETD)     11 January 2011

Dear Sasi,

                   Follow the above proceedure.In all the applications, affidavits, annexures, gazette notifications and news paperADS  mention clearly  TO BE RECTIFIED as  a new name as SASI BHUSHAN GONNABHAKTULA S/O RANGACHARY instead of  S BHUSHAN GONNABATULA s/o RANGACHARYLU  and  complete the process.

GOPI (OWNER)     27 February 2012


Hi sir,
thank you. wonderful expalantion.
this is Gopi, from Andhra Pradesh
incorrect name ( wrong name)  mentioned and published in my ssc, inter , degree, pg education degrees.
ex: father name is sitha ram but mentioned as hari Krishna ( my uncle name )
with our ignorance and negligence at that time, we dont consider that big issue. then I do have other option, excpet to carry the incorrect father name in my other legal documents like passport, pan card .
I have other documents like ration card  and adhar card which mentioned my father name corrctly.
please suggest possible solution for my case.
how I can correct incorect name after long time in my all documents ?
what is the procedure? please assist me .
thank you very much. your assistance will greatly appreciated.

Prof Wg Cdr G Kumar (Professor)     27 February 2012

Hi, Gopi

Impliedly, you wish to change your parentage -- name of one of the parents + your own name.

The primary document for proof of parentage is your Birth-Certificate (based on, inter alia, the records of the Hospital where you were born).

If Birth-Certificate does not exist, file an Application before concerned SDM (Executive Magistrate) -- procedure is already outlined by the Author at (Army Chief's DoB issue ...):

If youe Uncle had adopted you during your childhood (but no proper Adoption Deed was ever executed) then your Uncle might have committed a technical legal error, though in good faith, by getting his Name mentioned while admitting you to school -- hence, all your records show his name.

Such a mistake can also happen if your Uncle, as your local Guardian, took you for admission to school and the local teacher who knew him by face, thought that you were his son and, therefore he (teacher) on his own wrote your Uncle's name in your admission- records. 

In the first case, your father can file a Civil Suit for Declaration (it needs the minimum Court-Fees) and Setting Aside of Oral-Adoption, against your Uncle. Upon obtaining a Decree from Court, you can apply for correction of all records.  

GOPI (OWNER)     27 February 2012

Hi Kumar,

thanks alot for your assistance.

i I dont have birth certificate with me. my name is fine in all records. my fater name wrongly appeared in educational certificates (SSC, INTER, DEGREE, AND MCA ). with the incorrect father name ,I have PAN card and passport too. is there any procudure avilable to change names in certificates , PAN card,and passport ?

I have ration card and adhaar card where my father name was corrctedly mentioned .

please guide me.

thanks alot.

Prof Wg Cdr G Kumar (Professor)     28 February 2012


All the requisite procedural details (including tips) were given in my last reply -- please read it again and visit the Links cited therein.

No ethical lawyer would cross the line -- so, please choose what course of action you think is the most appropriate in the facts of your particular case.


jaswant (student)     09 August 2013

I have minute name corrections as follows:

SSC marksheet : name_singh_fathername_surname (there is space in my name)

HSC marksheet :name_fathername_surname (incomplete name)

my other records like leaving certificate, graduate certificates etc. have correct names.

I want to apply for passport.

Please sugget me the neccessory prodedure I must follow for the correct documentations.

As I can't chenge my name from the educational boards because of exhausted time limits.

Thank you

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