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vaishnavipriya (Clerck)     06 December 2014

Non payment of salary


I started working in a PSU bank in September 17 2012as probationary officer. In chennai.   subsequently I was sent to nagpur for one year training.  I have completed 2yrs in this bank. I have been going on leave for a week or so in every two months because I have divorce case going on chennai.In the month of November 2014 I went on leave for 40 days has I had an accident and injured my leg. The branch manager had made this leave and all the other leaves I have taken previously as loss of pay. He has not calculated leave for the day of my joining ie 17.09.2012 but the day I reported in nagpur 27.08.2013 and has said that I don't  have leave balance.   He also stated that I have taken all  my Privilege leave in chennai itself. I have obtained a letter from my previous Branch stating  that I  have not  taken leave there and they have not  credite any  Privilege leave or Sick leave.            


Even after this my now manager is not accepting to recalculate my leave balance and made my sick leave into leave without pay. I went to the union for help but they are not helping my case and I was my mistake to go on leave.  Now I have returned baxk to nagpur because I will be getting transfered back to chennai.  But for the month of December also he said he will be putting me on loss of pay. When im working here. Under the circumstances what should I do. 


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