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jack (nothing)     31 December 2014

Order on interim maintenance

Hi Experts, Family court judge has passed interim maintenance of 7500/- to wife with out hearing our voice . order has been given based on my bank statement that is what mentioned in the order my questione are as follows 1)how can judge pass such order with out hearing other party voice? 2)Best way to challenge this order? 3)how can my wife get my bank statement?is it legal ?what kind of action can I take on my wife and bank? Plz brief me as soon as possible?

 3 Replies

Jayashree Hariharan (Advocate)     31 December 2014

you can file review application. first find out if your lawyer was present during the arguments regarding maintenance and if he argued. were you there? because no judge will pass an order without hearing, unless the party/lawyer is absent or doesnt want to argue.

if it is joint account your wife has every right as a customer. even otherwise she is your wife still, and not yet divorced, how will the bank know about your status sir.

jack (nothing)     31 December 2014

Thanks for your quick reply madam.

But this is not joint account. and she just stayed 3 months with us .one of her cousine brother working in Bank(not same bank) so he might have helped her. any way this is security violation bank should not provide this kind of documents.

Here my question is what is the leagal step i can take on bank and on her?

jack (nothing)     01 January 2015

Can some one help me What is the best option review petetion or request stay?

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