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Can anyone please reply only legally.. If wife has an order under dvact case that she has right to live in matrimonial home bcz dats her sharedhousehold but husband staying on rent.. later due to change in circumstances wife went to live with husband at his rent house despite all the cases going on just to give a chance to marriage so will the wife be evicted from her marrimonial home ? However her stuff is in the matrimonial home.. she just took few clothes at her husband's rent house.. presently wife is back to her matrimonial home but husband still stays on rent alone due to legal tactic and bcz husband wants a divorce.husband lived for 3 years with wife in matrimonial home.. matrimonial home is ancestral.. 1. Just bcz wife lived with husband on rent for few months so will the wife be evicted from her matrimoial home? 2. Still her matrimonial home is her sharedhousehold ??


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