I'm seeking your advise on the topic of post nupital agreement and its validity in India generally and specifically about its legality in child custody matters.
We are married for 4+yrs now and have been blessed with a daughter (4+yrs old). My wife has a history of raking up some worthless issue and going to her place every 6 months and after 3-5 months will plead to join me saying she did a mistake. This has been a very regular feature ever since we were married. She used to have my daughter every such time.
Having my daughter near me for 6 months and being separated from her for the next 3-5 months regularly have caused me undue stress affecting me mentally. This time I told my wife she can join me only if we have a legally binding agreement, wherein even if she breaks or divorces me for any reason, I get the rights for custody of my daughter. My wife has agreed for this. Now if I draft a post nupital agreement for this will it hold good in court?
Request your advice on this matter and also a kind reference to a reliable family lawyer in Bangalore for the same. Thanks in advance.