I just want to know that wheather a person can be proprietor in more than one business..? Meaning thereby that How can one person sell the goods to himself & buy from himself?
Ravi Kumar (Lawyer) 19 March 2010
I just want to know that wheather a person can be proprietor in more than one business..? Meaning thereby that How can one person sell the goods to himself & buy from himself?
Vineet (Director) 19 March 2010
One person can be propreitor of as many businesses as he desires to be.
Purchasing and selling goods within concerns owned by a single person are nothing but circular transactions normally adopted by unscruplous persons to jack up the turnover or stock. However it is a bad idea financially as it results in notional profits.
Ravi Kumar (Lawyer) 19 March 2010
Thanks for the reply
Arunava (Proprietor) 20 March 2010
If i am a proprietor of two business firm what amount of VAT i need to pay either in seperate sales of the consicutive firms or in combined form