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DINESH ROY (PROGRAMMER)     19 February 2012

Refuse divorce to my wife due to love

Dear Sir,

Me n my wife married as per the HIndu Marriage ACt ( Love Marriage )in the month of January,2011. We done this marriage in backend since her family does't belive in different caste marriage, we hopped that her family will agree due to time ( After one year ). Till now she is also living at her parent's hourse.

Now, we have already completed 1 year of our marrige and now my wife wants to give me divorce due to her family is not agree in different caste marriage and her family giving me threat that she will take legal action on me and my family if i refuse to give her divorce.

From my side I love her vary much n i can't live without her but at other side due to her family presure and emotionally blackmail, she wouldn't continue our marriage life.

I have spend lots of money , time and my life on her. Even we have alo many many time physical relation.

Please guide me,

=> I don't want give divorce  to my wife

=> I also want to protect my family. 

=> How long i can delay our divorce.

=> Perosnally, I belive, she will come back with me.

please help me, I don't want to leave my wife any cost since i can't live without her & she also love me but only problem that is narrow thinking of her family and our society.

 10 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     19 February 2012

@ Author

See foremost 'various nature of Family Law' and a individuals ‘sentiments and emotions’ should always be kept separate and they should never be mixed especially under present days gender biased family law scenarios. The moment one mixes these two opposites and asks a question here that question itself becomes very confusing and answers becomes non-convincing as materially it may not please the queriest what s/he actually wanted to hear since the mind is already clouded.

However, here as in your brief, some guidance could be given;

I don't want give divorce  to my wife
Take: Sentimental and emotional values if kept attached to once marriage as per briefs situation then yes one can virtually plan a very long inning in various Courts and not agree to give divorce but end up spoiling once own youthful years and in exasperation end up given the very divorce which s/he fought tooth and nails all these youtfull years. Legally two unwilling spouse cannot ever make a marriage work and no acts of God can even make them believe in perfect matrimony conjugality so what is left is conceding to divorce at the end.

- I also want to protect my family. 

Take: If any criminal and or allegations based complaint case launched against your family by your wife and or her side of men and/or agent then the arrayed family members need to prove their innocence in various Courts. Proving innocence takes very very long years. Theoritically it is possible to protect once family as systems check and balances exists for namesake such as AB and regular Bail but one need to have patience read with basic understanding of subject of Law to play safe as in a very very long innings capacity should be there. Hence purpose to protect family ultimately gets solved. Reading wise it may all sound very rosy but when in morning two area Beat Constables in uniform come knocking at a old parents home then no neighbours comes to rescue so hosh and josh should not be lost in matters of heart. Use head not heart.

- How long I can delay our divorce.
Hypo. if she files for divorce then give or take 4-5 years are minimum that takes to arrive at some final decision by the Court and it can be in her favor or may be dismissal at the end so based on basic facts such as in your presented brief delay is possible but forecasting if she gets or not is not my cup of tea to spell out in B/W as in Judgment which is not our work n for the same Court is there.

- Personally, I believe, she will come back with me.
Take: If that is so then believe in yourself and most often with positive vibes things have taken positive turn in days to come for sure is larger belief to elevate once self esteem. However donot lose track of once hosh and josh now that love marriage happened na.

1 Like

Aishwarya (Teacher)     19 February 2012

aptly adviced by tajobs sir..every possible outcome is shared and delivered to the author..

And to save all communication gap shouldnt be there for too long ..

kumar101 (clerk)     19 February 2012


Why don't you go and sit on dharna in front of your wive's house. Call TV channels etc and ask them for help to get back your wife. Talk to her relatives and ask them to save your marriage.

Originally posted by :kumar101

Why don't you go and sit on dharna in front of your wive's house. Call TV channels etc and ask them for help to get back your wife. Talk to her relatives and ask them to save your marriage.

this is very bad.Don't demoralize the constructive man.

Shantilal Pandya ( Advocate)     05 March 2012

While use  of pro woman law  as in this case,sould be  cheked against its misuse , however  how far it will be apt to advise a man to  accept a stllborn verdict which is not favorable to him  and  is probably  based on a  ground  which  is admittedly not permissible  at law ? the  contemplated   fear of  false  prosecutin  and harassment  through  legal machinery  should prevail   over  legal  right of  defence ? would it  not  result in desisting  a man to peruse  legal defense which  he otherwise   have ?

 views  of learned experts  are welcome



Shantilal Pandya ( Advocate)     05 March 2012

has ?

Shantilal Pandya ( Advocate)     05 March 2012

Originally posted by :Shantilal Pandya
While use  of pro woman law  as in this case,sould be  cheked against its misuse , however  how far it will be apt to advise a man to  accept a stllborn verdict which is not favorable to him  and  is probably  based on a  ground  which  is admittedly not permissible  at law ? the  contemplated   fear of  false  prosecutin  and harassment  through  legal machinery  should prevail   over  legal  right of  defence ? would it  not  result in desisting  a man to peruse  legal defense which  he otherwise   has?

 views  of learned experts  are welcome



DINESH ROY (PROGRAMMER)     05 March 2012

Thank to all my friend. Right now, my wife neither applying for divorce nor coming back at my home. Her family totally flasshing her mind against me . Please guide me.

DINESH ROY (PROGRAMMER)     18 March 2012


Thank to all my friend. Right now, my wife neither applying for divorce nor coming back at my home. Her family totally flasshing her mind against me .
With this trick, she can get divorce from me ?
I don't want to leave my wife any cost since I love her very much
Please help me.

DINESH ROY (PROGRAMMER)     30 March 2012

Sir, me and my friends tried lots to explain my wife but due to her family and her government job ( got after love marriage ), she is not ready. I think she has lots of proud and now she wants to go back her caste since her family has accepted all these thing and supporting her to do marriage in their caste so that they can hide this marriage in society and get reputation in their society. Now, my wife and her family trying to get divorce from me base on 100 Rs. Stamp and telling that they don't want anything from me. Only they just want divorce from me. My wife cheated with me and my family and spoiled my life. Sir, Please advice me, Now due to such task performed by my wife,I want to separate from my wife so that she can't disturb me as well as my family life in future. Please give me proper way divorce so that I can protect me as well as my family life. please help me... thanking you....

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