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Prav (assistant)     10 February 2010

sale of joint property


My father expired during jan 2001. We got heirship certificate stating my mom, myself and two of my sisters as legal heirs. Last year my mom expired and we got another certificate stating three of us are the legal heris of my mom. Now we are planning to sell the property with building to a third party. We have with us the property deed in name of my father. My question is that

1) as the title of property is in fathers name, with heirship certificate are we eligible to enter into a sale agreement with a third party.

2) The property is aquired by my father out of his earings and the sale proceed is sharing among us. Is it call for a capital gain tax?

3)if myself wish to buy the property paying due shares to my sisters, what kind of a deed we have to enter into...i mean purchase deed/ settlement deed/relingushing rights deed?

if in that case after aquiring it and if i sell the property capital gain formalities and procedures? pls do help


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