Sale on the Basis of Will
Is there anything illegal in the sale of the property bequeathed on someone on the basis of the will itself or a probate is legally necessary?ecessary?
ashok kumar (Social Worker) 04 August 2013
Sale on the Basis of Will
Is there anything illegal in the sale of the property bequeathed on someone on the basis of the will itself or a probate is legally necessary?ecessary?
Adv Archana Deshmukh (Practicing Advocate) 04 August 2013
It depends upon the city in which the property is situated. In few places only probate is mandatory and else where once the property is mutated on the basis of will in the name of the beneficiary, he can sell it.
Advocate Sastry (Advocate) 04 August 2013
Agree with Adv. Archana... Mutation is essential.