As per section 300 CRPC and 20(2) of constitution a person may not be tried or punished. I filed a case no. 365/12 for divorce under section 13 of HMA on the basis of cruelty and desertion. Whole case tried and cruelty and desertion established by family court and on the basis of that I was granted divorce. The cases of 498a and DV is also the cases of cruelty and domestic violence/Cruelty. Whenever the cruelty already examined in case no. 365/2012 how the cruelty once again trialed in 498a and DV case. Is it not violation of section 300 CRPc and article 20(2) of constitution. No dobout the section 13 is civil trial case and 498a and DV case is criminal trial case but the civil trial having bindings on criminal trial.
Please give opinion on the issue