This is a reply to Mr Prakashs post: Of course my post does not contain a legal angle nor was it created to defame anyone. I have not posted some story or time pass episode to brew some trouble. I have posted this issue after witnessing and observing what has been taking place past few years.
Few questions to you as well:
Do you think looking into history is bad or not essential in such cases?
Do you think if I walked up to someone on the street and shared some truth one would believe it? Even then, why should I act as a mouth piece if this person is brave to speak his past? Do you think the other person or the partner to be would appreciate what is being said?
Lastly, do you think a person like him stands a chance to change and become a devout husband? Maybe yes maybe no.
Thought I might lend my two pence - like every saint has a past and every sinner has a future this person also needs to be given a chance BUT only when truth is unveiled.
I appreciate your interest in this case.