Beneath the veneer of tailor made articles and snazzy websites, very little is said about the actual work that lawyers do in LPOs. So I have attempted to cut through the sales pitch and offering a version of the work that we do.
1. Legal Document Review - We get documents in a batch and a certain set of criteria that would make the document relevant or not. We read the document and decide if the document is Relevant or not, and mark it accordingly.
2. Contract Management - Largely, there are two tasks that are performed here. Abstraction and Drafting. During Abstraction we record all the important details of a contract on to a template or a format and send it to the client .This is used, generally, as an input for their contract management software.
Drafting is where we..well... draft the contracts. Usually its a client provided template that we attempt to match. Sometimes we may review the contract and edit it according to client specifications. Training is, of course provided. Good English Communication (Written and Oral) is quite important.
3. IP - No Idea. But I have heard stuff like they perform prior art searches for the patent applications, draft patent applications, Review examination reports and so on. But this is not verified.
4. Legal Research - Drafting memos on certain points of law. Usually, online legal resources such as lexis nexis etc are used. Research is also used for lead generation.
Let me know if there is any other service that i am not aware of, or may have missed.