My wife had lodged a complaint in Women cell against me and my parents putting charges of asking for Dowry etc. implicating us in false 498a, DV and allied cases. When she lodged the complaint she was living with her parents from last 6 months. The complaint in Women cell was in retaliation to my complaint about her and her family members beating up my father at his residence. I was not living with my parents when incident happened in July 2014. The matter is still in Women Cell. Through family mediations, she verbally said sorry for everything during mediation but was extremely adamant on me, her and our 1 year old son staying at my parent's residence. Me, my wife and our son have finally come back and are staying at parent's residence from past 10 days but i doubt her intentions. Please help me about what all precautions me and my parents shall take to safeguard us from getting implicated in false 498a, DV and other associated cases in future by my wife? Thanks a lot.