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adv.ranchi (n/a)     03 June 2009

Why the legal profession is the last choice

Today, no matter how much hype regarding the entry of foreign firms and MNCs, the legal profession in India is the last choice of the creamy layer of students. Why is it so?

 89 Replies

Anil Agrawal (Retired)     03 June 2009

 Almost all the top rung leaders of freedom struggle came from legal fraternity. What puzzles me is why Gandhi left practice. There must be some cogest reason? Did he discover that truth was sacrificed at the alter of justice?

R.M.Bhaduri (Lawyer)     03 June 2009

Legal profession is very challenging and it is noble profession in our Indian context. The moto of legal profession is service first and then remuneration depending upon the service. There is no fixed income in the independent practise and it is very struggling although slowly and steadily the situations are changing and in near future the legal profession may not be the last choice of the creamy layer of students.

Gopal Krishna Behera (Advocate Orissa High Court Cuttack.)     04 June 2009

      To exist in legal profession is not very easy. Honesty, sincerity & hard-working is highly require to succeed in the profession. The cremy layers believe in easy mony in one night for which the legal profession might be their last choice. For which the legal ethic is in threats. Please try to save it.

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saumit joshi (advocate)     13 June 2009

i am fully agree with Mr Behera in legal profession, first five years is very hard for every juniour hardworking lawyer is sustain in this field.

prabhu selvarasu (advocate)     25 June 2009

 am fully agree with Mr Behera, in tamil nadu after high court riot many people not intrst to come to legal prfsn.

Raman ( )     30 June 2009

I would like to add my opinion on this thread Mr. Behera if we treat this topic as a debate. There is no such thing called 'easy money'  or  'hard money' unless one wants get into gambling/lottery etc ... It is basically a choice of interest among the Professions. One has to work hard to shine out in any Profession. Why do most people look down on Law Profession is the topic here? Becase, we lost hope and belief in our System? Frankly, India is carrying very inefficient leaders (in all sectors), who are a great burden to our Judiciary System now. It is they who want to make easy money & power in all possible routes that has been mis-leading preponderance of youth from the morality and suppressing Indian Judiciary System from it's righteousness, since many decades. Having this kind of message passed from our leaders and elders, every year thousands of Law students are churned out with polluted minds. Out of whom, some may become Politicians again ... more pollution ... Who chose these cheap leaders, then some of us may immidiately blame illiterates in India. I would say, rich illitereates those who have college degrees but no vision & wisdom.  Has any one inculcated the spirit of 'country first' in the youth ? Has anyone really made efforts on reducing the phenomena brain drain in our country ? Why - because cheap Political system that we do have now, accordingly our Judiciary System is changing colors. Now, we are sharpening our skillset to work for foreign firms. In fact, they are wooing more Indian lawyers now as they did to our IT & Engineers. Just think of Indian Economy then ...

Please read this article when you get a chance, as much as possible. There are a few very good points to be noted:



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praveen choudhary (govt service)     08 July 2009



N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     12 July 2009

Opting law as the last resort is a Himalayan Blunder: I alwys regret joing law College and cursing those people who encourage me to go for Law. It is amazingly a wanderful profession, and one has to live like a hermit, work like a bull and sleep like a loag yet, you are nowhere in the profession. One of the most amazing thing about Law Profession is that, the more you learn the more you realized  your ignorance about Law. Truly this profession outclass all other professions in life. It is all about life, society, Nation and the Cosmos. Truly a Great and Noble profession.

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My Learned Friends are correct, and I agree with the above views.

Gundlapallis (Advocate)     19 July 2009

The attributes are :

Detoriation of standards of morals, society, legislature, judiciary and legal fraternity.

On the other hand this profession is the cheapest, cost wise and the easiest, examination standards wise here in India -  for the said reasons, this profession is  infested now with  large crowds of unscrupulous and immoral beings and naturally a person with positive attitude (the so called creamy layer - people with self confidence and assurance elsewhere) keep his distance away from this profession.

And the dirty competition - dirty ways for winning a case - dirty fees. 

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Rashmi bhatt (ADVOCATE)     22 July 2009

I'm agree with  Mr praveen Choudhary.he know's very well about this field.

vikas mishra (ADVOCATE)     22 July 2009

it is because the work of dealing with the staff of courts is very tedious, and one has to have great patiince because results are not in ur hands

Ziaul Haque Ansari (Advocate)     25 July 2009

Undoubtedly Legal profession is one of the Noble and Honourable profession and one has a very bright future provided he/she is honest, hard working and commited to this profession

Ziaul Haque Ansari (Advocate)     25 July 2009

Undoubtedly Legal profession is one of the Noble and Honourable profession and one has a very bright future provided he/she is honest, hard working and commited to this profession

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