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Bar Council of India has shown its disapproval for the new Higher Education Commission bill which is to be presented in the cabinet in the winter session. This particular bill is to repeal the old University Grant Commission bill and according to the BCI it is aimed to dismiss the power of the Bar conferred upon it by the Advocates Act, 1961.

BCI states that under the Advocates Act, only the Bar is empowered to lay down the standards of legal education in India. This bill however, deprives BCI of its power and transfers it to Higher Education commission.

The Members of the BCI has also urged the Prime minister to look upon the following amendment as it is contrary to the sections of Advocate Act, wherein it states that the regulation of legal education in India is solely administered by the Bar Council of India.

The BCI has informed the Prime Minister about its sound Statutory Legal Education Committee, which is head by a former Judge of the Supreme Court of India, sitting Chief Justice of the High Courts, Vice Chancellors of 3 National Law Universities and noted academicians to take care of the standards of legal education in India.

The Council has also called for a joint meeting of all the State Bar Councils at Delhi on October 12.

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