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Bank staff to go on nation-wide strike on 7th July


Bank employees and officers union on Friday threatened to go on all-India strike on 7th July to protest against proposed banking sector reforms and other wage related issues.


It has been decided that the bank staff would go on one-day strike against anti-employees policies of the government, including the banking sector reforms, said United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU) convener C H Vekatachalam.


UFBU is an umbrella organisation of 5 workman unions and 4 officers unions of public sector and private sector banks in the country.


"The strike will be participated by 10 lakh bank employees and officers working in public sector banks, private banks, foreign banks, Co-operative banks and regional rural banks," he claimed.

The other issues are privatisation of banking and outsourcing of bank jobs and attempts to impose anti-employee recommendations of Khandelwal Committee, he said.


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