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Labour Minister Malillikarjun Kharge moved for passing in the Lok Sabha the Workmen's Compensation (Amendment) Act, 1923, which seeks to improve upon the compensation package for various categories of workers and their dependents in case of accidents causing either death or disablement. Speaking on the Bill, Mr Kharge said even the lower categories of workers will be covered under the new provisions. He said under the existing provisions, establishments with 20 workers were covered. However, under the Amended provisions, factories and other establishments where even one or two workers were employed, would be covered. 

Mr Kharge said even ships, where there is an element of risk involved, will be covered under the new provisions. 

The Minister said the quantum of compensation has been increased in the event of an injury to a worker or death. Mr Kharge said a Parliamentary Standing Committee has considered at length, the various amendments and given its comments on the subject. 

The Workmens Compensation Act, aims to provide workmen and their dependents some relief in case of accidents arising during the course of their employment and causing either death or disablement. 

It provides for compensation payment by certain classes of employers to their workmen for injury by accident. 

The Bill, intoroduced in the Budget session of Parliament, will be taken up for passing by the House during this session. 

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