The Union Cabinet on Friday decided to return the tough anti-terror bill passed by the Gujarat Assembly back to the state government for making amendments in line with central law.
Briefing reporters, Home Minister P Chidambaram said the Cabinet decided to recommend to the President that the GUJCOCA (Gujarat Control of Organised Crime) Bill be returned to the state government for making three amendments.
One of the amendments being suggested to the state government is that the provision that confession before a police officer will be admissible should be dropped.
Mr. Chidambaram said the Cabinet felt that assent could not be given the state bill in its present form and changes should be made to bring it in line with the Unlawful Activities Prevention of Terrorism Act passed by Parliament last year.Join LAWyersClubIndia's network for daily News Updates, Judgment Summaries, Articles, Forum Threads, Online Law Courses, and MUCH MORE!!"
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