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As per the latest available information, there are 2,55,696 cases pending in the Punjab and Haryana High Court as on 30th September, 2007. As reported by the High Court of Punjab & Haryana, there were 2,65,072 cases pending as on 30.06.2007 out of which 68,114 cases were pending for that 10 years and 66,473 cases for less than 10 years but more than 5 years. Government has taken several steps including deciding to increase the strength of Judges in the High Courts. Government is implementing a scheme for computerization of District & Subordinate Courts, which includes upgradation of the information and communication technology infrastructure of the High Courts. Alternative modes of disposal including mediation, negotiation and arbitration have been encouraged. With a view to ensuring expeditious disposal of cases, the Civil Procedure Code has been amended, inter alia, limiting the number of adjournments that can be given to a party. Classification and Grouping of cases involving common question of law is also done in the High Courts for speedy disposal of pending cases. This information was given by Minister of Law and Justice, Shri H. R. Bhardwaj in written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.
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