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Centre enacts ST and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers Act In an attempt to fulfill its commitments towards Scheduled Tribes (STs) listed in the Common Minimum Programme (CMP), the Centre has enacted the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006, Rajya Sabha was informed. The rules framed under this Act have also been notified recently, Minister for Tribal Affairs P R Kyndiah said in a written reply on Monday. He said the Act and Rules are meant for recognition and vesting of forest rights in the forest dwelling STs and other traditional forest dwellers. The major rights that are granted under the Act include the right to cultivate forest land to the extent under occupation, the right to own, collect, use and dispose off minor forest produce. Apart from this, rights inside forests like grazing etc, which are traditional and customary. The Act enjoins upon these beneficiaries the duties for protecting wild life, forest and their bio-diversity also. "The ministry is also implementing a number of development programmes both in the Central Sector and Centrally sponsored sector for the welfare and upliftment of STs and for the development of areas where STs reside," he said. Govt refers draft national tribal policy to GoM The government has referred the draft national tribal policy, which aims to address issues like lower human development index and poor infrastructure in the community, to a Group of Ministers for finalisation. Tribal Affairs Minister P R Kyndiah told Rajya Sabha on Monday that after extensive consultation with various stakeholders, the final draft policy was placed before the Union Cabinet for approval on 31st May, 2007. "The Union Cabinet has referred it to a Group of Ministers for harmonisation with the National Rehabilitation Policy. The policy has not been finalised," Kyndiah said replying a written question. The Ministry had formulated a draft national tribal policy in June 2006. The aim of the policy was to address the issues concerning tribals in relation to lower human development index, poor infrastructure and exclusion from mainstream society. Kyndiah said the Ministry has launched a new initiative in the year 2005-06 for the development of forest villages under Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub Plan. Under this, infrastructure work relating to basic services and facilities like healthcare and primary education are taken up for implementation. He said the Ministry has sanctioned and released Rs 45,924.71 lakh for 2,388 forest villages/habitations spread in 11 states. Kyndiah said in addition to this, the scheme of grant-in-aid to State Tribal Development Cooperative Corporations (STDCCs) for minor forest produce (MFP) operations aims at ensuring remunerative prices to tribals engaged in the collection of MFP. Kyndiah told the Upper House that STs and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006, enacted by the Parliament, has been notified for operation with effect from 31st December 2007. He said the Act seeks to recognise and vest certain forest rights in forest dwelling to STs and other traditional forest dwellers. It provides relief against the physical and psychological alienation from land belonging to tribals. It also provides for livelihood for them, in terms of agriculture and ownership of minor forest produce, including right to collect, use, and dispose the same. The Act also gives them traditional and customary rights.
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