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In furtherance to News dated 28-4-2008 " National tribunal functioning from car', to putforth the apathy of Minitry of Labour and EPFO towards the EPF Appellate Tribunal ,new delhi, PIL was filed by Bar Association of EPF Appellate Tribunal through its President, Rajiv Shukla, advocate as petitioner in person and Bar Association as petitioner no.1. The same came up for hearing on 29-04-2008 before the Division bench of Hon'ble Mr. justice Tirath Singh Thakur and Mr. Justice Sidharth Mridul. After hearing the parties at length i.e. Mr. Kishore M. Gajaria, adv. for the Petitioner no.1 , EPF AT Bar Association, Petitioner no.2, Rajiv Shukla, adv. in person. Counsel for U.O.I and Counsel for E.P.F .O through Central P.F. Commissioner, the Hon'ble court has taken the apathy of the Minitry of Labour very seriously and issued the direction of mandamus to the Ministry to provide premises to the tribunal with in 15 days and file status report by next date i.e. 15-05-2008. The Hon'ble court has further ordered that if the direction is not complied, the Secretary, Ministry ! of Labour shall be held in disobedience of the order and would be ordered for presonal presence on the next date before the court. The issue of not providng for staff sufficient for smooth functioning was also raised and Hon'ble court has also issued directions for that. The tribunal now has been provided temporary premises at bhikaji Cama Place at EPFO building, New delhi.
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