The former Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, and his brother and Punjab Chief Minister, Shahbaz Sharif, won a crucial political battle on Tuesday with the Supreme Court finally setting aside its own earlier order and a Lahore High Court verdict disqualifying them from contesting elections. The order paves the way for Mr. Nawaz Sharif, the leader of the Pakistan Muslim League (N), to enter Parliament and hold elected office after a long hiatus, beginning with the 1999 Musharraf coup that unseated him and his government, a year in prison, a seven-year-exile to Saudi Arabia, some of which was spent in London and a tumultuous return to Pakistan in 2007. As for Mr. Shahbaz Sharif, the Supreme Court gave an interim order in March staying its own February order disqualifying him and his brother from elected office. The stay enabled him to reassume the office of Punjab Chief Minister, which he quit immediately after the disqualification. On Tuesday, the five-judge bench, headed by Justice Tassadaq Hussain Jillani, pronounced the final verdict in a bunch of review petitions challenging the February 25 Supreme Court order that disqualified both Sharifs and upheld a Lahore Court order disqualifying Mr. Nawaz Sharif.
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