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New Delhi: Shibu Soren, Pappu Yadav, Md Shabuddin and Raja Bhayia are a few politicians with criminal records. The Election Commission says that the best way to keep out criminals it to hand over the ``none of the above'' option. So a separate button is being proposed. On Wednesday, the Election Commission told the Supreme Court that it wants to offer the voter the right to reject. It will be at the bottom of the choices on the EVM machine. The government has been opposing this proposal. The government says ``It will frustrate the electoral process and is not good for democracy.'' Not just criminals, the EC believes this choice is democratic because it provides the voter yet another alternative. The Opposition BJP is cautious and doesn't want to take a definite line. “This is a debate and a larger consensus should be taken amongst all the political parties before this is implemented,” says BJP spokesperson, Rajiv Pratap Rudy. The hearings will continue a few more days before the Supreme Court. Of course, the right to reject would have made more sense if India was a party less democracy.
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