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Emails express diverse views on Scarlett's death probe Panaji, Mar 16 (PTI) Goa police's mail box is full with the e-mails expressing diverse opinion on Scarlett death investigation. Goa police has received mixed reactions across the world. While some have called the police as `corrupt,' for many Scarlett's mother Fiona Mackeown is to be cursed for the killing. An e-mail by Keith Gillard from Derby-England writes, "why a mother knowing condones the girl's relationship with a twenty-five-year-old man. In most parts of the world this would raise issues regarding paedophilia and under age sex." The e-mail further reads "I am convinced that this young girl would be alive today if her mother would have been more responsible in caring for her child." "I hope your laws allow you to prosecute a very negligent mother," Gillard mentions. Another netizen Ilesh Patel, writing from an undisclosed destination, says, "I hope the Goa police force is also considering taking action against the parents of the girl. Surely, there is a case for neglect at the minimum and manslaughter at the maximum." "After all, what kind of parents would allow such young person to be alone so late at night and in such an establishment." But all e-mails are in not in favour of Goa police. "To all you corrupt police in Goa, I hope you are proud of covering up the murder of Scarlett Keeling. Rest assured you will be found out and dealt with appropriately," a British national Cliff Fletcher says in his mail. PTI
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