General Circular No: 3/2010 dated 10.08.2010 - Easy Exit Scheme, 2010
General Circular No. 312010
F. No. 21712010-CL V
Government of India
Ministry of Corporate Affairs
5th Floor, A Wing, Shastri Bhavan,
Dr. R.P. Road, New Delhi
Dated the 10" Aug, 20 10
All Regional Director,
All Registrar of Companies.
Subject: Easy Exit Scheme, 2010
In continuation to this Ministry's earlier circular no. 212010 dated 26.05.2010 on the subject cited above, it has been decided that in the case of 100% Government companies, if no Board is in existence, an officer not below the rank of Deputy Secretary of the concerned administrative Ministry may be authorized to enter his name and other details in Form EES, 2010 and in Annexure A, B and C in place of name and other details of the directors and also to sign the said documents before filing.
Yours faithfully,
(Monika upta)
Assistant Director (Inspection)
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