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At last Google finds a way to settle the case of copyright violation by inviting the authors and publishers residing in countries other than USA to accept the royalty and come to an agreeable terms. In 2004, the Google begin its project on digitising the library by scanning the books and uploading them in the Internet for the access of the common man. Against this project, in 2005, the Authors Guild of America filed a case alleging the violation of copyright of the books [The Authors Guild, Inc., et al. v. Google Inc., Case No. 05 CV 8136 (S.D.N.Y.)]. After many hearings, on 28th October, the Google Inc and the Authors Guild came to the settlement and as a part of this settlement, the Google has invited the authors and publishers residing in countries other than USA to claim their copyright and come to a settlement by accepting a fair booty. For this purpose, the Google has opened a new website Through this website the authors or publishers can online settle their claims or may choose to opt out. 5th May, 2009 is the deadline for the same. For more details visit the above mentioned website.
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