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The Union Labour & Employment Minister Shri Mallikarjun Kharge has informed the Rajya Sabha that recognizing the need to provide social security to unorganised workers, the Government has enacted the Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Act 2008. The Act provides for constitution of National Social Security Board at the Central level which shall recommend formulation of social security schemes viz life and disability cover, health and maternity benefits, old age protection and any other benefit as may be determined by the Government for unorganized workers. As a follow up to the implementation of the Act, the National Social Security Board was set up on 18.08.2009, and it has since held five meetings recommending extension of coverage of social security schemes viz Janshree Bima Yojana, Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana, Old Age Pension to certain category of unorganized workers.


The Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) was launched on 01.10.2007 to provide smart card based cashless health insurance cover of Rs. 30000 to BPL families ( a unit of five) in the unorganized sector. More than 2.79 crore BPL families have been covered as on 29.02.2012.


The Government has launched the Aam Admi Bima Yojana (AABY) to provide insurance against death and disability to landless rural households. More than 1.98 crore lives have been covered under AABY as on 29.02.2012.


Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension scheme (IGNOAPS) was expanded by revising the eligibility criteria. The persons living below poverty line and above the age of 60 years are eligible for old age pension of Rs. 200 per month. For persons above the age of 80 years, the amount of pension has been raised to Rs. 500 per month. More than 1.90 crore beneficiaries have been covered under IGNOAPS as on 29.02.2012.


Similar Social Security Board shall be constituted at the State Level also. As per available information, States of Karnataka, West Bengal, Chhasttisgarh and Assam have constituted State Social Security Board and framed Rules under the Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Act, 2008. State of Gujarat, Orissa, Kerala and Tripura have framed rules only.


State of Tamilnadu has, however, informed that there is no requirement of constitution of State Social Security Board in the State as it is already implementing various welfare schemes for unorganized workers.


The Minister was replying to a written question about the status of the implementation of the Unorganized Sector Workers` Social Security Act, 2008 in terms of coverage of the sections of workers and number of workers; the State-wise details thereof; and the difficulties in implementing the Act?

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