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Judges must declare assets: Bar Association New Delhi, May 6 The Bar Association of India today said judges should make an annual declaration about their assets and the information should be accessible to the public. Mr Lalit Bhasin, General Secretary of the Association said it is expected that those who render justice should be accountable to the public just as much as others holding constitutional offices. ''It has become all the more necessary to dispel any doubts about the integrity of the judiciary in the context of the recent statement made by the Prime Minister on corruption in judiciary,'' he said. Pointing out that there were provisions in force in the US and other democracies that make it compulsory for judges to declare their assets, he said it should also be implemented in India. ''There seems no reason why Indian judges, who have earned high universal respect and prestige should not follow a similar practice and avoid unnecessary criticism and controversy,'' he said. The Association also demanded an increase in salaries of judges and said the retirement age for the High Court judges should be raised to 65 like their Supreme Court counterparts.
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