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The National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) held Lok Adalats across the country yesterday mostly on cases relating to Criminal Compoundable matters, etc. which were settled out of the courts. The total value of settlement reached in these Lok Adalats is about Rs. 77 crores in about 1,11,000 cases. Of these cases finally settled, about 98000 are pending matters and over 13,000 are pre-litigation matters. 

National Lok Adalats are now being held on every second Saturday for the past few months on specific subject matters in accordance with a Calendar drawn for the purpose under the directions of the Hon’ble Mr. Justice T.S.Thakur, Judge, Supreme Court of India & Executive Chairman, NALSA and Hon’ble Mr. Justice H.L.Dattu, Chief Justice of India & Patron-in-Chief, NALSA. 

Cases at pre-litigation stage and those pending in courts are being taken up for settlement in these National Lok Adalats. The aim is to reduce pendency, by resolving issues wherever settlements are possible to prevent additional litigation swathing the courts. Through the National Lok Adalats, the attention of the public has been drawn to the efficacious Alternative Dispute Resolution method of Lok Adalat. There will be no further appeal in those matters settled. Thus, it will have a significant impact on the overall judicial system. On the other hand, the settlement at pre-litigation stage would mean that many cases will never reach the courts. 

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