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A bill to enhance the amount of compensation to victims of air accidents or for damages caused to baggage or cargo, bringing it on par with the global level, was adopted by the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Carriage by Air (Amendment) Bill, tabled last year, was adopted by a voice vote after Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel said the legislation would enable payment of better compensation to air travellers. The amendment to the 1972 Act enables the inclusion of provisions of the 1999 Montreal Convention of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), bringing the compensation rates on par with other major countries of the world. According to the statement of objects and reasons of the bill, the amount of compensation for death or injury was increased to 1,00,000 Special Drawing Rights or 20,000 US dollars. The choice of jurisdiction was expanded to include the place of domicile of passengers and provisions made for advance payments in case of death or injury. As the liabilities of air carriers in case of death or injury of passengers, destruction or damage or loss of baggage or cargo or the losses caused by delay in their international carriage were considered inadequate, the ICAO adopted the Convention to evolve uniform rules for the purpose. "Though the convention covers international travel, we have some amount of compensation for domestic travellers as well," Patel said. Patel said that the Government would consider enhanced compensation for domestic passengers. He clarified that there would be no difference in compensation as far as class of travel is concerned. "Among the other salient features of the Bill are that passengers would be able to file a claim in the country of their domicile," he said. This is also not going to lead to any hike in domestic air fares, he added. Replying to apprehensions raised by certain members on the kind of situations in which airlines would pay compensation, he said "airlines cannot be forced to pay compensation for incidents over which they have no control". "We can put certain other issues before the international body for ratification," he said. Earlier during the debate on the Bill, C K Chandrappan (CPI) sought to know whether the country stood to lose by delaying this legislation. He demanded a new flight between Cochin and the Gulf. Ram Kripal Yadav (RJD) expressed concern over serious air congestion due to proliferation of airlines in the country and suggested that alternative arrangements should be made in Delhi airport to address this issue. He drew Patel's attention to upgrading facilities in Patna airport, saying efforts should be made to ensure smooth landing of aircraft there. He also sought the Ministry's intervention in ensuring hassle-free flights for Haj pilgrims. Mohammad Tahir Khan (BSP) demanded upgradation of Sultanpur airport and better facilities for Haj pilgrims during their trip to the Gulf region.
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