Madras High Court Judge R Regupathi’s disclosure about a Union Minister having tried to influence his view was hailed by a Supreme Court Bar spokesman tonight.
But Supreme Court Bar Association President M N Krishnamani wished the culprit were named and issued contempt notice.
‘I am happy Justice Regupathi refused to oblige the Minister,’ said Krishnamani, noting how the Judge ‘came out boldly with a statement and turned the matter over to the Chief Justice to be posted before another judge.’ A senior advocate, Krishnamani said, ‘some judge might have actually obliged such a caller. There are judges who are being contacted by Ministers and others and not saying anything publicly about it.’ The lawyer said this was not the first time a Judge has been called in such manner. ‘We have heard from time to time from Judges thus approached in person or over the telephone or through conduits.
‘Even a Supreme Court Judge has complained of being approached by someone about a case.
‘I would have been happier if Justice Regupathi had named the Minister and issued contempt notice against him.’ Such interference in the administration of justice amounts to criminal contempt under the Contempt of Court Act, Krishnamani reminded.
He regretted how most such lawbreakers go scot free because they are not identified. ‘Unfortunately, much of the time those breaking the law in this manner go scot free as they are not named.’ He said it is the duty of ‘the government to find out who the Minister is and take action immediately as, clearly, such a person des not deserve to be in the Cabinet.’
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