The Madras High Court has directed the State Agriculture Commissioner and Secretary to consider the request of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) and pass appropriate orders within four weeks for the approval and inclusion of C Subramaniam Institute of Agriculture, Tindivanam, in the special rules for the Tamil Nadu Agricultural Extension Subordinate Services for appointments in the Agriculture Department.
Justice V Ramasubramanian passed a common order on a batch of writ petitions by P Rajathi and others seeking a direction to the Commissioner of Agriculture to select them for the posts of Assistant Agricultural Officer (AAO).
The petitioners had completed higher secondary course and thereafter studied a two-year diploma course in agriculture, conducted by the institute at Tindivanam and registered themselves with the employment exchange.
After their names were sponsored for selection to the post of AAO in Tamil Nadu, they were invited for an interview in January this Year. But none of them was selected on the specious plea that the Institute was yet to be approved by the state government. Aggrieved, the present petitions were filed.
The petitioners produced a copy of the institute prospectus in which it had been confirmed that the institute was a constituent of TNAU.
In his counter, the Agriculture Commissioner had admitted that the institute was established and run by the university.
The universitys proposal of December last year for approval of the institute was pending for consideration by the government.
Justice Ramasubramanian said, while considering the proposal and passing orders, the government should take note of explanation (i) to Rule 19 (Special Qualifications) of the General Rules for Tamil Nadu State and Subordinate Services and also the fact that the students of institutes established and run by universities themselves could not be treated like students of private institutes.
He said the 112 posts of AAO, which remained unfilled as on date should be filled up by considering the petitioners claims after the government approves the institute.
Till then, these posts should not be filled up, the judge said.
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